Ingrown Tau Nails:  We really know how to FSU!!!
Disclaimer - go here for the official Tau web site.  This page is totally unofficial.  A thank you to Carrie for her help with this site=)
If you are looking for info about real ingrown toe nails, click here.
The Ingrown Tau Nails themselves!
Bye Bye Bye!!!
Now for the real scoop- Here's all you need to know about the Ingrown TAU Nails.  All you FSU neophytes may be wondering what we're all about.  Well here's an FAQ:

Q:  What the heck are Ingrown Tau Nails?
A:  We are really just a bunch of very goofy gals who like to FSU!

Q:  What does FSU stand for?
A.  Only the priveleged few know the secret meaning of  FSU.

Q:  Who created this phrase?
A:  In one of our "secret gatherings"  playing a savage sport, our wonderful
coaches started using it.  It helped our motivation highly.  Now we use it quite often, it's versatile.

Quotes from the Ingrown's:

"madre and padre don't like it when i lie on the internet"  GoNads.
"I have a sick mind.  That gross picture and background were all my idea.  Natalie had nothing to do with it.  I bet you can't wait for my 'page o fun' to show up!  I wish I had an STD" -DB
"It makes me feel kinda funny.  Like when I humped Paul's leg"  Tribal Midget
"I am Madonna." - ***itals
"Guys, I'm spent."(with arm motion) - Clarice
"Amy is da coolist!" - AmyB
"Hey guys, they CAN'T do Bye Bye Bye till I get there, ok??" - Odie
"Oh Honey..." - Josie
"Get in my BELLLLYYYYY" - Matula Oblongata

***If you would like to add or change your quote, e-mail

Now some pics of the Ingrown Tau Nails!!
Helen and Jacqui en fuego
Our fearless leader  ***itals/Henjickey
Sexica/Tribal Midget
Corinne, GoNads, and Tribal Midget
Brown Group and Matula Oblongata
Becca and Claire
Lynn and Amy