My College:
Syracuse University
At SU I major in Music Education.   Here are some pictures of Crouse, where I spend many hours in classes, rehearsals and practicing in the dungeon (the basement).
Here is the dome where I spend many hours rehearsing for marching band, playing at football games, and playing/watching basketball games.  Lucky for me, I get to watch for free cause I'm with the band.  Hmm, free games, all expense paid bowl trip(they actually paid us to go), could it get any better?
Here is Dellplain where I live  year!  Let me just say how Dellplain is the rockingest dorm!  On the right is Sadler where I lived last year.  So many times I came down the Dome stairs to see this view.  However, don't be fooled by the picture- it was only shoveled this well on game days!
Click here to find out the latest news about SU.

You can click
here to read the speech given by Ted Koppel at the 2000 graduation.  Just the day before he gave the speech, I met him.  His advice was, "I wouldn't eat here if I were you.  This place hasn't changed in 40 years!" - Mr. Koppel referring to Cosmos's restaurant on Marshall Street
Some important SU songs:
The SU alma mater

Where the vale of Onondaga
Meets the eastern sky
Proudly stands our Alma Mater
On her hilltop high.
Flag we love! Orange! Float for aye-
Old Syracuse, o'er thee,
Loyal be thy sons and daughters
To thy memory.
"Down, Down the Field" aka The Fight Song

Down, Down the field goes old Syracuse,
Just see those backs hit the line and go thro';
Down, down the field they go marching,
Fighting for the Orange staunch and true.
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Victry's in sight for old Syr-a-cuse,
Each loyal son knows that *** will lose,
For we'll fight, yes, we'll fight, and with all our might
For the glory of old Syracuse.
Go Syracuse!  Go fight and win!

(*** - enter other team's nickname)