NOTE: This booklet should only be read by those who know or who are willing to learn their English grammar and those who know how to use the Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary.

The three words that prove “once saved, always saved” as a valid doctrine are ALL, NEVER and IRREVOCABLE. The following definitions are taken out of the Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary:

ALL: as an adjective -

All - entire, complete
1. The whole number of...
2. The whole quantity of...
3. Every one of...
4. Any, any whatsoever
5. Every
6. The greatest possible

Bible Proof Verses:

“and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from ALL sin.” 1 John 1:7c

He made you alive with Him, having forgiven us ALL our transgressions.” Colossians 2:13b, c

Greek Word Used in Bible for Above Verses: “pas”

Vine’s Greek Dictionary Definition of “pas”:

1. All, every, every kind or variety.
2. Highest degree, the maximum of what is referred to
3. Totality of the things being referred to (in plural)

COMMENT: Those who say that a person can “fall away”, “walk away”, “turn away”, or “backslide away” from the Lord, do not understand that the Lord has cancelled their sin debt completely. This includes ALL “fall aways”, ALL “walk aways”, ALL “turn aways” and ALL “backslide aways” from the Lord, since ALL these things are sins and therefore have ALL been paid for into the future until we die. To say that a person can “walk away” or “turn” from the Lord and thus lose salvation, assumes that Jesus forgot to pay for the “walk aways” and “turn aways”. He didn’t forget them, however. Those sins were also paid for at the cross and that’s why ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED. There is no way that we can lose our salvation.

The second word from the Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary is:

NEVER: adverb

1. Not ever, not at any time, at no time: past, present or future
2. In no degree, not at all, by no chance, in no case, under no conditions

Bible Proof Verses of Jesus Christ’s Promises to His saved ones:

“I give eternal life to them, and they shall NEVER perish.” John 10:28

“He who believes in Me shall NEVER thirst.” John 6:35
(Compare with the rich man in hell: (“send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue; for I am in agony in this flame.” Luke 16:24. All people in hell will be eternally thirsty.)

“And everyone who lives and believes in Me shall NEVER die.” John 11:26

“I will NEVER desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5

COMMENT: When Jesus, Who is God says that we will NEVER perish, He means NEVER perish. NEVER means NEVER. Those that don’t understand plain English will perish. Those that say they can lose their salvation WILL lose their salvation because they have denied the Lord Who bought them in the first place and deny God’s ability to keep them saved. Therefore, they were NEVER truly saved in the first place.
They who say they are strong enough to “walk away” or “turn away” from God’s salvation, make themselves equal to God and stronger than God. That is first class blasphemy of the name and power of Christ. Salvation-losers were never saved by their false gospel. They “think” they are saved but are not. They ( being in unbelief still and unsaved) correctly say that if they walk away from they Lord, they will lose their salvation. For them, that is true, because they are still in their sins, which their false gospel can NEVER cleanse them of.

The third word defined by the Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary is:


1. incapable of being: recalled, undone, altered or revoked
2. that cannot be reversed, repealed or annulled.

Bible Proof Verse:

“For the gifts and the calling of God are IRREVOCABLE.” Romans 11:29

COMMENTS: What are the “gifts” of God that are irrevocable?

Bible Proof Verses:

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23

So, eternal life is a gift of God and according to Romans 11:29, it is IRREVOCABLE!

“And all the circumsized believers who had come with Peter were amazed, because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out upon the Gentiles also.” Acts 10:44

So here we see that the Holy Spirit is a gift of God and since so, the Holy Spirit is irrevocable and neither can be taken away, nor “walked away” from for any reason. (See also Acts 2:38 for another “gift of the Holy Spirit”.) See also John 14:16 where it says “another Helper”, (the Holy Spirit, vs. 26) “that He may be with you forever.”


The reason why so many people are going to hell by blieving that they can lose their salvation by their own efforts is because of a mental reasoning defect. They do understand that they did nothing to save themselves in the first place. However, they do not accept that they can do nothing to lose their salvation in the last place. When they believe they CAN lose their salvation, they are believing Satan’s lie and denying God’s gospel.
Lastly, they do not know the English language well enough to understand these three words: ALL, NEVER, IRREVOCABLE. The simple fact is, if they were true believers, and they are not, they would understand. Thus, those who are unbelieving and refuse to accept Jesus’ NEVER perish promise, will, in fact, lose their salvation (which they never truly had in the first place).

ADDENDUM - Greek Words

Greek Words for the word NEVER from Vine’s Dictionary of Biblical Greek Words:

“Never” in Greek uses two words that form a “double negative” for emphasis. The words are “ouk” which can mean “no” or “not”, and “me”, which can also mean “no” or “not”. When both are combined together in Greek as “ou me”, they mean “by no means” and are translated into English as NEVER.

The Greek Word for “Irrevocable” is “ametamelayta”, which translated means “unrepented for”, or with no repentance.

The word “repentance” means to change. “Ametamelayta” means to “not change”. Thus, the translators used the word “irrevocable” to clarify and modify as an adverb, the gifts and the calling of God. Many Bible translations use “irrevocable”, a few use “without repentance” , and others clearly state that God does NOT change His mind when He gives gifts and a calling. So, since God’s gifts are IRREVOCABLE, it follows so is eternal life and so “ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED”.

ALL, NEVER and IRREVOCABLE; God’s Word has not changed and neither does a person’s salvation once they are truly saved.

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