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Walter E. Stebbins High School
1900 Harshman Rd.
Riverside, Ohio 45431
Principal: Don Kuntz
Asst. Principal: Ron Flohre
Asst. Principal: Jason Krause
Athletic Director: Dee Hastler
Head Coach: Jason Krause
Asst. Coaches: Brad Holt, Sean Huffman, Tom Flohre, Brian Conner, Bob Borgerding, Coach Woody.
School Colors: Scarlet & Gray
This is a un-official website for the Walter E. Stebbins Varsity Football Team.
Our goal here is to help support our young athletes and our communities finest educational facility.
We will be adding pictures of the games also schedules and a message board that the young athletes and staff can have fun at.
Here is a link to our quality schools.
Mad River Schools

For updated news events on Stebbins Football Please Click Here.
Weightlifting schedule and Nutrition.
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