This webpage was built in honor of the
United States Military.
They are our true American Hero's!
May God bless all of them and our Country!

You are invited to send in graphics and/or poems.  The graphics should be 140x140.  I will add them to this webpage (as a prayer quilt) with your e-mail, web address and name.

You're free to save and use any of my squares as long as you link them back to me!

Adopt Our Troops!


I commit to pray daily for the individual U.S. military person whose name appears below and his or her family, thereby supporting the President and our great nation,
The United States of America.

Military Person                 Daniel L.Gross
Branch of the Military       Army
Spouse                               Brandi
Number of Children           1

Commitment made this day of
Monday, March 10, 2003

You too can adopt a soldier by clicking on the link below.
Presidential Prayer Team

Operation Military Pride

Click here to send a package to our US Soldiers.

My thoughts and prayers are with my
church friends and their families from
101st AirBorne Division!

*I'm happy to announce that as Feb.5th,2004
all of our soldiers are back home!*

God Bless America, Land that I love Stand beside her, And guide her, Through the night With the light from above, From the mountains, To the prairies, To the ocean, White with foam, God bless America, My home sweet home. By:Irving Berlin

Guestbook disabled. Please send e-mail instead.

Midi~'God Bless America'~
Font CAC Camelot used on this webpage.
Best viewed w/screen resolution of 1024x768
Do not take any of the graphics off this page!!
Copyright©Web DeZines by Nicole