Chakra Information

Full Body Aura

Chakras take in energy from the environment around you - this energy goes into your aura and your body to revitalize and energize you. Chakras spin just like wheels and are about the size of a silver dollar.

Did you ever have that "gut feeling" or just know something "off the top of your head" or "from the bottom of your heart" - well this comes from your Chakras in action.

I have searched for what the different colors of the chakras mean and what happens when they are over-stimulated or congested. I have not found much detailed information. So I decided to create something that may help others to understand the function of the chakras.

Balanced Chakras
Balanced Chakras -
They are round and the normal colors.

Congested Chakras
Congested Chakras -
They are hard to see and not well shaped.

Balanced Chakras
Over-stimulated Chakras -
They are not round & energy is not well balanced
the colors not the normal colors for each chakra.

The First Chakra - Root

  • Color - RED

  • Function involves survival, will, self-preservation, vitality and passion. This is your anchor point and provides the instincts for survival needed in dangerous situations. The Root Chakra keeps the flow of your energy alive and moving. Without it ... life could become dull and boring.

  • Congested - leads to feelings of weakness and a sense of being ungrounded.

  • Over-stimulated may mean that your fears or concerns related to survival are becoming overwhelming.

  • When this chakra becomes unbalanced a person may be obsessed with material security or overly concerned with physical safety.

  • A well balanced Root Chakra indicates a focus on survival, willpower, passion or self-preservation.

The 2nd Chakra - Sacral

  • Color - ORANGE

  • The second chakra creates a strong desire within us for unity with others. Creativity is brought to life through our emotions, which begin in this chakra. This is also the seat of a psychic ability.

  • You may be feeling emotions of others as if they are your own - trust in the "gut feeling" you are having about something.

  • Congested: Can lead to feelings of isolation, a desire to be alone. It can also cause dependency.

  • Over-stimulated: could cause bouts of intense emotion, an overwhelming need to get attention from others or a tendency to overindulge.

The 3rd Chakra - Solor Plexus

  • Color - YELLOW

  • The third chakra regulates body's life force energy, mental activity and self-empowerment.

  • When balanced, you have a natural drive to compete and excel - feeling alert, confident and energetic.

  • Congested: You feel emotionally suppressed, confused, and unsure how to take action or achieve your goals.

  • Over-stimulated can lead to overly competitive and self-centered behavior. Burnout can happen if intense competitive vibration lasts for a long time.

The 4th Chakra - Heart

  • Color - GREEN

  • This is the chakra where you a sense of connection with all things, oneness, caring, affinity, love, self-esteem and healing. This is a place where you communicate with yourself and those you love.

  • Congested: indecision, self-consciousness, feeling of being out-of-balance, and a narrow focus in life - mainly on the needs of your self.

  • Over-stimulated: Indicates that you are more concern with other's welfare than that of yourself.

The 5th Chakra - Throat

  • Color - BLUE

  • This chakra governs the ability to express ideas through communication - either through talking, music or art. When balanced you are efficient in communicating your thoughts and ideas.

  • Congested: trouble in communicating and creating with intelligence and practicality.

  • Over-stimulated: Worry, fear or paranoia may be present. You may begin to experience emotions as if they are your own, not realizing that you are just "tuning" into other's mental communications.

  • Over-stimulated: could cause bouts of intense emotion, an overwhelming need to get attention from others or a tendency to overindulge.

The 6th Chakra - Third Eye

  • Color - VIOLET

  • This chakra deals with clairvoyance, intuition, and spiritual insight, connecting ideas or developing a "picture" of something. When this chakra is balanced - you are clearly expressing your imagination & desires. You have the ability to be intuitive or are experience some vision or insights.

  • Congested: You maybe lacking imagination and the ability to express your ideas.

  • Over-stimulated: Too high a level of idealism, active imagination and constant expression of your ideas and thoughts.

The 7th Chakra - Crown

  • Color - WHITE

  • Crown - Color - White This Chakra is above your head where you connect with knowledge and enlightenment on a higher plane of consciousness. When chakra is balanced you are experiencing a divine will for spiritual truth and certainty. This is the time for communication with other spirits for healing or teaching.

  • Congested: You are feeling confused, depressed or have uncertainty about things in your life.

  • Over-stimulated: Shows your need for power or control and you may be disconnecting with reality.

I will be adding more information on Auras and Chakras as time allows. If you have information that would be helpful to others - please e-mail me and I will be very pleased to add your experiences to my website - or will place a link to your website.

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