Full Body Aura


Yellows are the sunniest, happiest and most childlike personalities in the color-spectrum. "All I want to do is have some fun!" is a song which is a wonderful representation of Yellows and shows their easy going, light and sunny character. These playful people have a wonderful sense of humor. They love to laugh and intimately enjoy life from many different angles. They advocate relaxation, the pure joy of life and live spontaneously. They are always reminding other people to not take life too seriously and to always look on the bright side. Life and work should both be enjoyed.

A Yellow's primary motivations are enjoyment, entertainment and creativity. They measure life by how happy and content they are and how good they feel. "Life is like a box of chocolates, it is sweet and a lot of fun." Yellows are intelligent, bright and radiant personalities. They learn easily and receive information without asking about the deeper connections or reasons behind it. They love to work with their minds and equally love to play and occupy themselves with philosophies, mental ideas and concepts. They also enjoy discussing all aspects of life, from politics to spirituality. Yellows can be spontaneous and overflowing with artistic and creative ideas. However, their focus is much more on enjoying than it is on creating. They have an abundance of energy, which is easily recognized by their physical activeness. It is difficult for them to sit still for a long period of time. However, when this occurs, they have a constant need to be moving their hands.

In harmony Yellows are very creative. They love to work with their hands and enjoy doing such things as writing, painting, repairing things or sculpting. They know how to enjoy mental-creative and physical reality with all its variations. In balance Yellows are happy and content personalities. They inherently know how to accept whatever is happening in their lives. Yellows are the most child-like personalities in the color spectrum and they never want to grow up. As a result they generally look younger then they actually are. They love to travel, to see the world, to relax on a wonderful beach and have fun dancing all night long. You will immediately recognize if a Yellow is happy, sad or feels uneasy, because they emit unusually strong body language. A Yellow body never lies. It always shows the truth. They are sensitive and intuitive through their physical bodies and also through their touch. Therefore, Yellows are often found in occupations such as healing or massage. They love to be around people and they enjoy helping people. They have healing hands and a healing, light attitude towards life. All these qualities make Yellows excellent healers or therapists.

Yellow personalities have a fear of relationships, commitments and obligations. They will often run away from their problems and difficulties or simply ignore them. Various forms of running away could be expressed as constantly making excuses for things, sleeping all day long, being lethargic, being just plain lazy or continually moving from one location to another. Many Yellows are late on a regular basis. Even though they have difficulty in being on time they will always come up with creative and sufficient excuses. Because of their sensitive, physical, bio-chemical bodies, Yellows do not like pain or even the thought of having to experience it. They will do nearly anything to avoid any form of discomfort. Fun-loving Yellows are addictive and physically dependent personalities. They have a driving need to experience a physical "high" or a euphoric state of mind. If they focus on positive activities they remain energetic, joyful and creative.


Yellow personalities are social people. They have many friends and are constantly looking forward to meeting new ones. They enjoy all varieties of get-togethers. Yellows are welcome at any party because of their joyful, easy going and often-funny attitude toward life and their intellectual brilliance. They are group conscious whether in organized, team sports or simply with their friends. They are typically the center of attention and seem to be surrounded by friends all the time. Yellows enjoy a sense of sharing and communion through their constant physical activity and always being with several friends. They are good friends, communicate openly with others and love to bring people together.


Yellows have a need for relationships. They can be sensitive and caring in both relationships and also partnerships. They prefer partners, who can laugh with them, support and take care of them, and will not challenge or take away their freedom. Yellow personalities have a deep seeded fear of commitment. They want to be independent and free to enjoy everything life has to offer. As a result, many Yellows live as singles with regular partners or in semi-committed relationships. Yellows love to flirt and are emotionally charged by the excitement of meeting new and different people. For these addictive, color personalities the other sex is a way of connecting with life and also compensating for their own energy deficiencies. They need to see and understand the differences between being independent, but loving and committed, and using a relationship as a substitute for their own problems.


Yellows love being spontaneous, initiative and stimulative. They are the perfect selection for new projects but sometimes have difficulties finishing them. Money is not a primary issue for them. They can make money easily because they are not afraid to work hard. Yellow personalities are creative problem solvers. They have the ability to create new, unusual and innovative solutions. On the other hand, they also have difficulties in finishing projects or solving problems completely. They are good at starting things and keeping others enthusiastic. If they decide to take action and solve problems, Yellows will find simple, unique and inventive solutions. However, they often don't want to do the serious work, which is needed to accomplish or finish a project.

Yellows are good team members and lead others by example. They enjoy demonstrating and showing others how things work or how things could be done. They utilize their strong qualities of motivation and creativity. Yellows are the most likely of all the different personalities to have fun in their work or occupation. Typical "Yellow" occupations are: Athlete, comedian, musician, painter, artist, student, philosopher, psychologist, massage therapist, health practitioner, waiter, mechanic, cook, stewardess or travel guide.


Yellows need to take care of their physical bodies more then other color personalities. Their body is like an "energetic" antenna. They sense other people's feelings, thoughts or even vibrations in a room. If they do not stay in power their body will show imbalances and can be heavily effected by outside influences. They also know exactly what the Mind/Body connection means. They are perfect examples of how emotions and thoughts influence and are interconnected with the physical body.

Yellows need to emotionally understand that commitments and relationships can help them reach deeper levels of intimacy and self-awareness. This same understanding will also bring more fun, excitement and freedom into their lives. Their problems will not simply disappear just by avoidance or running away from them. They can create successful solutions by confronting all aspects of life with joy and an easy attitude. To achieve harmony in their life, Yellows need to find creative and playful ways of expression. Actively expressing their physical and creative energies will allow them to live an easy going, happy and joyful life. Positive addictions such as physical exercise and movement, healthy and playful sex or meditation and prayer are extremely important. Activities like bicycling, tennis, dancing, jogging or other long-muscle exercises are recommended for Yellows and should be practiced daily.

I will be adding more information on Auras and Chakras as time allows. If you have information that would be helpful to others - please e-mail me and I will be very pleased to add your experiences to my website - or will place a link to your website.

Description of a Red Aura red aura

Description of an Orange Aura orange aura

Description of a Green Aura green aura

Description of a Blue Aura blue aura

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