Having gone thru personal losses of my own, I felt the need for a quiet place where I could just be with my thoughts. I thought I was alone in these feelings until, thru emails, I learned others have the same feelings. When I need a quiet place, I always look for a place where I can focus on words that are simular to my thoughts at the time. I have tried to put these Comfort Rooms together to help you. I have often come to them myself and have derived a calm that I hope you will feel also. Please visit the various rooms, read the message and then, while listening to the music, let your mind wander. If you have lost a loved one, simply allow your mind to go back and remember the good times, the shared times, the memories you have. Take as long as you like. I discovered, one day, that I had gone to one of the Comfort Rooms and spent a half hour at peace. If you'd like, go ahead and pass a link to your friends and family so they may visit and find the peace and calm that you and I have had.

In The Beginning

Eternal Ink

Let There Be Peace

In Our Heart

You Are A Flower

4 Wives

A Little One Called Home

Psalms 23

Time Has Passed

The Man in the Glass

A Dying Person's Bill of Rights


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