Pet Memorials

Website Owners Special Little Angel
Archie - 14 year old Yorkie. I rescued Archie from a rescue center, as he was too old, and they were going to put him down. I gave him one more good year. I will miss him so much. He gave me a year of love and devotion. Owner: Marie

Bridget - 16 year old Pure Bred Registered Beagle. Owner: Don

Chih Wen - Her owner, Barbara, says, "My beautiful Chinese Waterdragon that has won--and today--broke my heart with her passing. Through her, I learned that no creatures are cold blooded. Life is warmth." She will be lovingly missed by those that knew her.

Chubby - Chubby was a silver stripped Tabby cat that lived for only 5 years and died from an enlarged heart, on Jan 1, 1986. His owner, Lorraine says, "He was a little pistol and protected me like a dog would. He will always be missed and loved."

Ginger - 16 year old Basset Hound/Beagle. Owner: Linda

Girlfriend - Mommy's girl, Twinkie, Sweetie, Puddin pop Punkin Pie, she was with me for 13 years and 3 mos and I loved her immensely. May she play in peace in Gods green Garden and watch over me from beside the Great Master. She was the best girl in the whole world and our unspoken communication was uncanny. Pretty Girl, Mommy misses you VERY MUCH but we will still 'talk' and be together if not physically for now, then spiritually. I LOVE YOU baby girl. Love Mommy C.

Gremblin AKA Pup-Pup - 15 year old canine. She was born in a wood pile in 1983 and went to dog Heaven September 13, 1999. Her owner says, "She had the reputation of being the 'biggest little hussy in town' and she helped raise our four children and was with them when they were out running around our small town. She rode with me whenever I went out in the truck, she met me everyday when I returned to the dock after working on the river, and she was the constant guard of our home." Gremblin (Pup-Pup) has been lovingly placed in her family's back yard, laying facing the back door, as she did for so many years. She is dearly missed by her family and shall never be replaced.

Jessie aka Jessica - Jessie's owner says: "At 5:15 My little blind Schnauzer Jessica or Jessie as we called her had to be euthanized. She fell ill with kidney failure and though all efforts were made to save her I decided she had suffered enough. She was a beautiful Black mini with tan trappings. A rare treasure. It was almost two months to the day since Jock (See Jock below) died. I know she morned him and now they will be together again. Jessie like Jock will be cremated and always hold a place of honor in out hearts and our home. Jessie was 18 years old." Jessie was a blessing to her family and will be deeply missed.

Jock - Jock was a 16 year old Schnauzer. He was born January 1987 and passed away on December 19, 2002. He was deeply loved by his family. His owner, George says, "Things are quiet around the house now. No one greets the mailman or the paperboy. Nobody walks over to me in the morning to say good morning. He always did that. The day before he died, my other Schnauzer Jessie (See Jessie above) walked over to him and placed her face next to his and just stood for a minute or so. She is older than Jock and blind. She learned a lot from Jock. He seemed to know she was blind, He never bumped her and he always waited his turn for treats. When she dropped one he would patiently wait until she found it on the floor. They both knew when the treats were gone I would just clap my hands together and they would walk away. Jock knew when it was Christmas time and he would await for his presents. He knew he had to have a present. He just knew." Jock is playing in the grassy fields of Heaven and keeps in his heart the love he received from his family and Jessie.

Kits aka D W - Kits passed away on Saturday, February 01, 2003, the same day as our nation lost the space shuttle Columbia. Her friend says; "Even though kitty was named D W , I called her Kits or Kit Kat. She kept us company in our guardhouse and I often envied her life. She had a warm bed and plenty to eat and drink yet could be let out to roam and guard the property, doing as she pleased. Last week she kept meowing to me and I wonder if she was trying to tell me something. She was very affecionate this last time I saw her and seemed to be okay. Kits I hope you are happy and free in God's garden. I'll miss you friend." Kits will be sadly missed by all those who knew her.

Lady - Lady, a canine, was the mother of Spur (below) and passed away two days before Christmas 1999. Lady and Spur are playing together in heaven. She will be greatly missed by her owner Shirley and Sarina.

Mickey - His owner, Lorraine says, "I inherited Mickey upon my mother's passing. Mickey was one of the last gifts given to me by my mother. Mickey and his feline companion, Bootsie, came to live with me on Feb. 11, 1986. Mickey became ill with an inoperable tumor and went to sleep in September 1989, joining my mother for continuing care. Together, they await others to join them in eternal life."

Missy - 17 year old feline. Owner: Linda

Misty - A Female Siberian Husky, with beautiful blue eyes. Her owner, Lorraine, says, "I thank God for letting me have her for 14 years. She went to sleep on March 13th, 2000. She will always be in my heart. My sunshine came not from the skies, but from the love in Misty's eyes." See Misty's Poem.

Natasha - 4 year old Beagle. Her owner, Susan, says, "Beagle girl.. died of Epilepsy..May 22, 1999. I love and miss you so much Puppa Girl... I miss cuddling with you and you will always be MY puppy... Love Mommy."

Rusty - 17 year old canine of mixed breed. Owner: Linda

Samson - Samson was a 5 year old rottie. Samson's owner says, "Everyone who met him loved him. Samson thought everyone that knocked on our door had come to see him, he was very friendly. Samson was also my protector and friend after Billy was gone. I had to have Sam put down this Sept. 21,1999 because he had cancer and couldn't be saved by surgery. I miss him and Billy both every much. Owners: Bill and Patricia Chamberlain

Sheba - 15 year old German Shepherd/Wolf. Owner: Don

Skipper - On December 11, 1996 a very loved member of the family, a Schnauzer, went to dog Heaven. His owner says, "we loved him like a person. He went into a diabetic coma. An elderly lady gave him to us and we had him 5 yrs. He was 15 yrs old. I used to raise them for show dogs in Mo. We buried him in our yard so I go talk to him and put flowers on his grave. It was a terrible xmas for us and still is altho we now have a 'miss Taco Bell' who we love."

Smokey - 17 year old feline. Owner: Carol

SPUR - This beautiful canine passed away two days before Christmas 1999. Spur and his mother Lady, above, are playing happily in heaven. He will be greatly missed by owner Sarina and Shirley.

TEKEA and VENUS - Female Husky and Male Mixed breed. "I feel your protection your ashes are by my bedside you have a new sister, a Chihuahua and, Shadow is doing fine and in the house now"...Owner: Moondancer

VENUS and TEKEA - Female Husky and Male Mixed breed. "I feel your protection your ashes are by my bedside you have a new sister a Chihuahua and, Shadow is doing fine and in the house now"...Owner: Moondancer

Winky - 15 year old Dachshund/Chihuahua. Owner Don.

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