"I don't really know where to start" Except to say I lost a big part of my heart My closest, most loyal friend The One on which I could always depend To stay beside me while we both mend When there was no one else around, we were never alone because each to the other we would tend All the rules we just broke, forget bend Keeping me warm at night as I held him tight Sharing everything we ate down to the last bite With him around, even the worst times felt alright
Sometimes we talked without anything to say Warm summer time "Let's run in the yard and play" Or late at night with that special setter bay "How about a game of door tag to brighten our day" A ho hums day with nothing new Just that nudge on my arm to say "Mikey I Love You" "You went to Mc'y D's, I smell Big Mac" "Where is my cheeseburger, I know you brought it back" "Jeffery ate half a can, again. The rest is my share" "He just watches so I don't think he'll care"
Big brown eyes in the morning I wake Never a real bark unless for strangers sake "Scratch my ears, rub my tummy, here want a paw to shake?" Uh oh, be careful, watch my tail, am I glad it just fell and didn't break" All of this was understood nothing was said Wanting nothing more then a pat on the head Or make sure he was fed "Save me my spot it's not just your bed" I know that you crossed that bridge
and are in a better place And that some day, I will again feel your nose on my face So for now I'll send you a kiss
And tell you of the times I'll miss And the last thing that I tried always to be said "Don't forget, I LOVE YOU Red"
Red was born 02-14-85 and went to heaven on 03-05-99.
3/16/1999 CRASH "I love you Dublin, now and always" Michael