The Heart Of Godly Men

Eph. 5: 25: Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
1Pt:3:7: Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.


Coming from a woman’s perspective, I can only focus on the comparison that is made in the scripture. That being that Man’s position in the marriage is comparable to God’s relationship with the church, or His people. As His people we are to be subject to His will. Submission and subjection mean to adapt to. As God’s people we adapt to the ebb and flow of His will, trusting that he will lead us towards what is best, even if it takes us through storms.
Romans 8:28 all things work together for the Good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose.
So as we begin to explore the godly man and his position before God in the marriage, we must remember God’s design for marriage. The woman having made the choice to be that man’s wife must adapt in a way that only women can fully achieve.

Gen. 3:6: Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
God took something that was the result of sin and turned it into something honorable as only He can....

It is instinctive for her to be the nest builder. She is the one who will be the soothing balm for her husband and children just as God‘s people are called to be that balm for the people around them.

If she is to be enabled to do that, there are things that Man must do. If she is to follow him and support him always, there are characteristic in him that are necessary.

  • God does not lead His people in to harm. When storms come, and they will, he leads us through them, loving us, comforting us, and guiding us patiently.
    A husband must take on these same characteristics.
  • God always chooses what is for our long term best, even when it doesn’t seem to be the best at the immediate moment.
    A husband has a tremendous responsibility as he leads his family in a direction where he feels it is best for them.
  • God’s responsibility to us never wavers or tires.
  • God never stops loving us even when we are not so loveable.
  • God is always on watch and looking ahead.
Have you ever observed a woman who has to jump back and forth between two roles? That of being the wife and mother, and also having to to hold the responsibilities that the man would have? She may be a single mother, or the husband is just absent emotionally. He may be irresponsible financially and spiritually. That woman is usually exhausted, depressed, and irritable. She may convey her needs to him in an angry, unrealistic way and it becomes a circle where needs for either are never met. She is designed to be in subjection to him, but if there is nothing there to be in subjection to, her task is nearly impossible. Someone has to steer the ship and God calls upon Man to do that in the marriage and family, so that she can be below, sheltered from the storms and caring for the needs of the family.
If these two principle do not exist together, the ship is battered about in the storm tossed sea.

The man that I use as an example has lived his life for the Lord in all things. He gives of himself freely, and reaches out his hand to those in need, even beyond his family. He doesn’t allow his family to be without. He uses wisdom in caring for them. He uses his finances wisely and is a good steward of those finances.

He looks ahead to see direction. He looks for a direction that would best care for his family. It may mean a different job/career move, a place to live, an investment, the church he attends, etc. His looks at all of it together to see how it will all intwine, all to better serve his family.
He deals with family stresses lovingly and with his main concern being his wife first and foremost. He is the safe harbor, the haven, the place of rest for that woman. He is never distant or distracted. He is involved with things in the home, supporting her. He is the man that she can respect and honor and be honored by. His life of servitude is honorable, and he serves in areas where she cannot not. Even when she is not accepting her own role, he must accept his consistently.....

i.e. my own husband :-)

He is the tent that surrounds her, covering her, warming her, and shielding her from the element. She is the tent poles that support him. Without his covering above her, she, as the tent poles, has no purpose, and without her, he has no support. If you are a Christian man today, see what God wants you to be..


We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. How do we reflect Christ as Godly Men?


God's calling for those special women in men's lives'.


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Graphics by Peggy