A Day We Will Never Forget
September 11, 2001

When Tragedy Falls

Click here to Read Habakkuk's Account...


Memorial Graphics

Our board is open for prayers and thoughts concerning our nation's tragedy. Our bible study has been temporarily suspended as we focus on our nation's needs.
Message Board

This poem was sent to me by son in-law as he waits to be called out...
Sometimes the sun seems hidden
When our lives are filled with rain,
And yet God sees us clearly
And His promises remain.
Sometimes we pray for something
That He doesn't seem to give,
Yet He knows just what we need
To help us grow and live.
And finally when the sun shines
And the clouds are there no longer,
We see how much He's with us
And the storm has made us stronger.
- Author Unknown

If you would like your memorial page added here, please email us @ heavenboundministry@christianemail.com

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More to Come

In Memory of those who perished.
Our carefree lives' will never be the same.
The Woods are cold and dark and deep,
but we have promises to keep......
Miles and Miles to Go Before We Sleep..