What Do I Give To My Lord?

Whatever you give to those around you, is likely to be what you give to the Lord.

If you give your positive comfort, you will approach the Lord with hope.
If you are a habitual complainer, you will bring the Lord your troubles.
If you are zealous to witness, you'll bring the Lord HIS converts.
If you can give monetarily, faithfully, but it is hard to open your heart; You'll give faithfully to your church and will never let someone's needs go un-met. But, you'll give Jesus emotional distance.
If your fellows know you for your steady joy, you'll bring your Saviour a smile to His face.
If you constantly fret about tomorrow, you'll bring Him your fear.
If you are a workaholic, you'll bring the Shepherd your explanation for not spending time on heavenly things.
If you are a procrastinator, you'll bring Him all your tomorrows.
If you like to control everything, you'll give Him only what you choose to give.
If you allow yourself to be vulnerable and open, you'll give Him a pot of soft clay.
If you are a loyal friend, you'll give Him your steadfast heart.
If you live a life of lies, you'll give Him another thorn upon His crown.
If you pray for those around you, you'll bring Him your voice which He loves to hear.
If you live life with open arms, He'll fill them up.
If you don't give your all, He gives His all, anyway....

What has He given to me?
His life, His eternity

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