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Dragonball Z  Numbers
1 hour - time it took for Vegeta to catch Krillin and Gohan who were travelling at their top speed to Guru's house
1 week of supplies - Amount of supplies at Master Roshi's house
2 hours - Time Krillin needed to get from Frieza's ship to Guru's house
2 - number of Kaiokens that Goku can do without sustaining damage against Vegeta and Nappa
2 minutes - time between Vegeta's defeat against Recoome and the arrival of Goku
Less than 2 minutes - the time it before the planet Nameks destruction when all of Namek's inhabitants were wished to Earth
2 - number of senzu beans Karin gave Goku before he fought Vegeta and Nappa
3 hours - time it took from when Vegeta destroyed the Namek village to when Frieza called for the Ginyu Force
4 months - time advised by Goku's doctors as resting after injuries fight sustained against Vegeta
4 Days - Time between Zarbons death and the arrival of the Ginyu Force
5 Days - time needed by a Saiyan space pod to get from Frieza Planet#79 to get to planet Namek
5 Days - time it took Goku to get from Earth to Namek
5 Days - time it took to convert Kame's ship to one capable of holding a human crew
About 5 years - Time between the 23rd Budokai and Raditz's arrival on Earth
The Longest 5 Minutes EVER!!! - time it took for Frieza's energy ball to desrtoy Namek
6 - number of Saibamen Nappa brough to Earth
- number of days needed to repair Kame's ship and translate the Namek language
10 Seconds - time Dodoria estimated he would need to defeat the three Namek warriors
10 minutes - length of the fight between Vegeta, Krillin and Gohan against Recoome and Guldo
10 minutes - time Goku took to clean himself 20 miutes before arriving on planet Namek
18 days - number of days it takes a spaceship to fly from Earth to Frieza Planet #79
20x - number of times Earth's gravity that Goku trained at at the beginning of his journey to Namek
20 Kilos - weight of one of Goku's weighted shoes
30 minutes - amount of time Frieza's men prdicted that Vegeta would need to recover form his injuries, they were wrong (he had been healed for a while)  
40 Days - amount of time it took Goku to catch Bubbles
50x - number of times Earth's gravity that Goku trained at during the second half of his journey to Namek
50 years - amount of time that Master Roshi needed to master the Kamehameha
85 centimetres - Bulma's chest measurement at age 16
100 x - Maximum times Earth's gravity that Goku trained under on the way to Namek
100 - number of humans Raditz wanted Goku to kill in exchange for Gohan
108th - Dende's birth number (he was guru's 108th kid)
800 years - Karin's approximate age
1000 years - Ocurrence of a Super Saiyan according to legend
1 million Kilometers - Distance of snakeway