Saiyan History
Over a thousand years ago there was the Planet Plant it was dominated by peaceful intelligent beings known as Tsufurujins.
The Tsufurujins were intelligent beings that had remarkable technology including scouters and spacecraft they lived peacefully until one day primitive beings known as Saiyans landed on the planet from out of nowhere. The Saiyans at first lived on the outskirts of the Tsufurujin cities until one day the Saiyans decided to destroy them and take over the planet.  For many years war raged between the Saiyans and the Tsufurujin but the Saiyans had no chance against their opponents who were much better equipped with their technology until one day a rare occasion that occured on the planet only once every eight years happened - a full moon. When the full moon shone down on the Saiyans they all transformed into powerful ape-like beings known as Ozouru. Unbelievebly strong in this form the Saiyans eventually destroyed all the Tsurfurujin, stole their technology and renamed the planet Vegeta after their king.
King Vegeta reigned for several years until one day an evil being known as Frieza came. Frieza contracted the planet for jobs, sending Saiyan warriors to take over planets and sell them for him.
King Vegeta opposed this from the beginning be he had no choice Frieza was just too powerful. The final straw came when Frieza decided to take King Vegeta's son, Prince Vegeta. King Vegeta assembled his best warriors abd went to take him on but he had no chance and him and his warriors were destroyed.
Worried that other Saiyans would follow their kings lead Frieza then destroyed the planet Vegeta, leaving only four remaining Saiyans named Vegeta, Nappa, Raditz and.............. Goku.  
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