Cell Saga Summary
In Mid-Flight the plane Receives a call from Bulma saying that another Time Machine has been found. She faxes over a picture and Trunks reconizes it as his time machine. He decides that he has to get a closer look, so Gohan and Trunks and Bulma all head to the reported location. When they reach the machine, they find it is covered in moss, and inside there are broken bits of shells. Trunks has a look at the computer within the machine, and finds that it had departed four years ago, before Future Trunks had arrived at Earth. Close to the Time machine they find the skin of what ever came out of that shell.

Meanwhile Kame is beginining to fear what happening down on Earth. Whatever had come out of the egg was now absorbing people left and right. An entire city's population had been decimated by this monster. Kame could no take it anymore and agrees with piccolo to merge and Kame, explains  to Mr Popo that know that he is better now as a warrior rather than a god, and he merges with Piccolo. Now possessing a seperior intellact and a strong body, Piccolo files down to find the monster.

Finding the monster holding a person which, Piccolo pursurades to let go and the monster does. Picccolo tells the monster to stop. The monster refuses, and begins to do battle with Piccolo. However Piccolo's new strength is nothing to be trifled with, and he is unscatched by the monster's attacks. The rest of the Z-Warriors are confused by this new development, as they can sense Vegeta, Tien, Piccolo's, Frieza, King Kold and Goku's   energy signals all at the same location, where Piccolo and the Monster are fighting. The monster rears back and fires a Kamehameha Wave at Piccolo, Catching him off guard, which piccolo evades. The monster then blurs behind Piccolo and stabs his arm, sucking the life force form it. Admittion Defeat, Piccolo requests the monster to explain who he is and what he is doing here.

The monsters explains that he is an android created by Dr. Gero from the cells of the greatest warriors on Earth. Gero had collected samples from Goku, Tien, Piccolo, Frieza, Vegeta and and King Kold, but considered the project a failure adn moved on to something else. However the computer continued working on the creation, which was finished three years after Trunks had defeated the androids in his own time. Piccolo tells the monster that Trunks blew up Dr Gero's Lab, but the monster explains the computer is placed below the lab deep in the Earth. Then the monster tells Piccolo his name is Cell and he travelled back in time to absorb androids 17 and 18 which they had already been destroyed in his timeline so in order to become perfect he had to go back in time so he killed Trunks and stole his time machine but he couldn't fit in the time machine so he had to reduce to his shell and start from there which takes four years to get back up to the form he is in now. Piccolo thanked Cell for this information and regenerated his shrivled arm. Surprised that Piccolo had tricked him he was forced to battle again.

With Krillin and Trunks arriving at the Scene, Piccolo reveals that he had mergec with Kame and he would destroy Cell even if he ran. Cell used the Taiyoken (Solar Flare) and makes his escape to the city. Once there he begins to sap the life-force of the residents in hopes of becoming stronger than Piccolo and the others. Piccolo becomes extremely frustrated with himself for losing Cell. Meanwhile, Trunks and Krillin decide to destroy the undeveloped Cell in the basement of Dr Gero's Lab, so the monster would not be created. Upon arriving in the lab, Krillin and Trunks find the yound Cell oranism and blueprints for Android 17, they take the plans and destroy the lab and then head for Bulma's to see if she can create a remote which will shut down the androids.

Glancing over the plans for Android 17, Dr Briefs and Bulma find quite a bit of stuff they do not understand. However, they vow to do their best to find a weak point. Cell is still on the rampage sucking the energy left and right. He pursues a litttle girl adn her brother, But Krillin arrives just in time to save them. Cell chases after our bald hero, and smacks him around a bit. However Piccolo and Tien arrive and Cell runs away. Back at the Kame House, Goku has finally woken Up from his Virus Coma, and was training on the Beach of the samll Island, With Vegeta's failure, he know's his current level is no match for the androids. Goku tells the others about a special room where you can get 1 year of training in one day. He transports himself and Gohan to Vegeta and Trunks, who are busy training, he tells them about the room of time, the androids finallly reach Goku's home only to find it empty.

Mr Popo leads four saiyans to the room of spirit of time at Kame's palace, and asks who would be entering first. Vegeta and Trunks volunteer to be first trainees. Flying to Kame's island the androids meet the Z-Warriors once again. Piccolo refuses to tell them Goku's location and challenges them to a battle on a neighbouring island. 17 decides that he will go solo while 16 and 18 watch. Piccolo has slight edge over the android, and does a fair amount fo damage to him. Hoping to finish him off Piccolo performs an attack that surrounds 17 with energy balls, which a put at him 17 emerges un touched because of his technique to create a force field.

The battle continues, and Cell can sense the fight. Thinking he is powerful enough to take on Piccolo, and Piccolo is probably fighting the androids he rushes to the island. Meanwhile Bulma finally completes a device that will deactivate the androids. With little time to spare, Krillin speeds towards Bulma's to pick up the divice. Piccolo and 17 are not gaining much ground on each other, and Cell takes them by surprise. Having never seen Cell before 17 does not know what he has in store. The monster tries to take 17's energy but Piccolo stops him. The Namekia launches a massive attack at Cell, But does no damage to him. To Prevent further interuption Cell breaks Piccolo's Neck and tosses him into the ocean.

While Goku restrains Gohan from leaving Kame's Palace, Cell and android 17  begin to duke it out. Even without the stamina drain, 17 was getting pounded, Finally 16 Interferes and challenges Cell. He proves to be much fairer opponent, an even match form Cell, Cell tries to absorb 16 but cannot as he is made from organic meterial and Cell can only absorb thing with human orgainic flesh. He continues to rip Cell to pieces. However, with Piccolo's ablility to regenerate he takes little physical damage.

16 and Cell continue to duel, with the big android getting the upper-hand. The recepient of a Rocket Punch and Hell's Flash, Cell was looking down and out. Thinking he was dead 17 and 18 refuse to leave, even despite 16's pleas. After realizing Cell is still alive 17 challenges him to fight. This was the break that Cell was looking for. He Sneaks up on 17 and Quickly absorbs Him, and the First Transformation Begins.

16 Grabs 18 and fly away as fast as he can, but apparently it's not fast enough. Cell steps in front on the two fleeing androids and blast 16 in the head, tearing a part off. As number 18 frantically threatens to destroy herself, Tien steps into battle.

The first blast hits Cell and drives him into the Earth. Tien tell the androids to get away, and continues to use his Kikhoho (Tri Beam) attack on the Cell. Since the area of affect is quite large, Cell in unable to escape the hole in the ground. Tien has confined him to the hole. However all these repeatative beams were taking a massive toll on his body, and he couldn't keep it up for long. With the last of his energy gone, Tien's unconsious body drifts to the groun. Cell get's ready to evaporate his body for letting the androids get away, But Goku teleports in. He tells Cell that one day he will be ready to mop the floor with him. Goku sense Piccolo and realizes he is still alive (But Barely).He Teleports to his body. Just before he teleports Cell is about to Punch Goku but Goku teleports both fallen warriors to Kame's palace to give them Senzu Beans.

Krillin and Bulma finaly reach each other, she gives him the device to destroy the androids. However, it must be used no more than 10 metres away. Cell begins his search for 18, who is hiding with 16 on an island. To everyone's surprise, the door to the room of spirit and time finally opens. Vegeta and Trunks emerge, and inform the others that they have both surpassed Super Saiyan. Bulma arrives in her jet, bringing special new clothes, Trunks and Vegeta rush to Cell's ki. Cell is becoming increasingly fustrated with being unable to locate 18, and flies into the air. He screams so loudly that everyone of every island can hear him. He threatens to destroy each and every island until 18 comes out, and begins to do so. With the room of spirit and time now vacant, Goku and gohan begin their year of training.

Celll continues to obliterate island after island until only one is left. He charges a large energy attack, but Vegeta interupts him. To Surprise, Vegeta has suddenly become a lot stronger. He shows Cell what is beyond Super Saiyan, and Cell does not like it one bit. Blow after blow Cell is unable to retaliate much although he does but does no really affect Vegeta. Vegeta toys with his opponent, who is nowhere near his level, and holds back in killin him. Cell begins to whine about not being complete.

Meanwhile, Krillin has arrived on the island, and was searching for 18 to deactivate her. He finds her, and manages to sneak very close. However out emotional hero begins to have second thoughts about destroyin the woman who gave him playful peck on the check earlier. Cell desperatly tries to convince Vegeta to let Cell absorb 18, but Trunks stands in the way. He refuses to let Vegeta's pride endanger the lives of the people of Earth. Krillin finally makes a decision: He walks into 18's field of  view and smashes the contoller. The androids are surprised by Krilllin's actions. While fathere and son are bickering, Cell spots 18.

As Cell Swoops down towards his meal, Trunks once againg block his path. Cell is pounded into some mountains, Where he quickly masks his ki and burrows undergound. he Sneaks up on 18 and Trunks Tries to prevent him absorbing her but Vegeta keep blasting him out the way. 16 and Krillin try to interfere, but are easily dispatched. In his desperation, Trunks launches an energy ball at Vegeta knocking him far away from the battle field. Cell makes more advances on 18,  But again Trunks kicks him away, Frustrated by all interference, Cell use the Taiyoken (Solar Flare) on the Z warriors and he swoops down and absorbs 18. Cell begins transforming to perfection.

Waves of energy spread across the Earth,and Cell completes his transformation. In the room of Spirit of time, Goku and Gohan are still busy training. When Goku finally goes all out on Gohan, his son finally reaches SSJ. Back on the ground, Cell is admiring is new body so much that he just ignores Krilin and Trunks who are busy trying to kill him with a flurry of attacks. Krilin forms a Destructo Disk and chuck is at Cel. To his surprise, the attack bounces right of him. Cell smashes his body in response, but Trunks aids him with a senzu almost immediatly. Vegeta flies off down to challenge this new Cell, and seems fairly even with him in power at the begining.

His confidence slowly fades as he realizes he's not putti8ng a dent in Cell. Vegeta is kicked around a bit, and becomes severly pissed off. He flies into the air and challenges Cell to take his energy attack head on. Cell stubbornly obliges. Vegeta's final flash packs a huge punch, and disintergrates Cell's right arm and Shoulder. But thanks to Cell's regenerative capabilities, he just grows a new one in it's place. Cell quickly knocks out Vegeta, and is about to kill him until he notices Trunks is charging up a massive amount of ki.

Trunks and Cell beging to battle, and it looks like Cell has the Upper hand, As Trunks lies on the ground from one of Cell's hits, he looks at Krillin and points at Vegeta's body. Krillin realizes that Trunks was letting Cell attack him on Purpose so that Vegeta would not be harmed. As he flies away with Vegeta, Cell tells Trunks to fight all-out. The warriors exchange more attacks, this time not holding back. Trunks powers up an insane amount of power, and grows Tremendously buff. Cell admits that Trunks has much more power than he does, But the saiyan had no chance in defeating him.

Goku and Gohan are still training in the room of Spirit of time, honing their skills. Goku demonstrates USSJ for Gohan, but tells him that it is a foolish form. Since the muscles grow to such a large size, the form is very slow and easy to dodge. Attacks pack a lot of power, but it's doubtful they'll hit their target. Cell is telling Trunks the exact same thing. Thinking as a fool, Trunks orders Cell to Kill him. The green monster has a better idea: a martial arts
tournament. He tells the Z-Warriors that it will be held in 10 days, and that if anyone can kill him, the Earth will not be destroyed. When asked what his goal is, Cell informs them that he has none. He just fights for the fun of it, and is not interested in world conquest or killing Son Goku...

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