Cell Games Saga Summary
Vegeta and Krillin return the battlefield, only to find a solemn Trunks and a missing Cell. When Vegeta asks what happened, Trunks admits he could no defeat his opponent. 16 is taken to Capsule corp, where Dr. Briefs and Bulma begin the complicated repairs to his damaged body. Meanwhile, Cell has constucted the arena that will be used in his budoukai, and flies to the nearest TV station to announce it. Our hero catch his message on TV, where they learn that everyone on Earth will die unless someone defeats Cell in what he has now called the "Cell Game".

With Cell's challenge issued, the z warriors prepare to defeat him in his own tournament. Goku and Gohan emerge from the room of spirit and time a few hour early, and are told the events thus far. To eneryone's surprise, both are in SSJ form and seem to be behaving normally. Piccolo is the next in line to use the room, irritating Vegeta. To lessen his boredom, Cell occupies himself with killing some random people.

Goku feels Cell's masive ki, and teleports to his ring where he waits patiently. Both warriors charge up to size each other, and Goku tells him not to kill anyone before the tournament. Returning to Kami's tower, Goku says that he probably cannot defeat Cell at his current level. Piccolo offers Goku and Gohan the use of the room again, but Goku declines. He says that nine days will be enought preperation. They make a pit-stop at Karin's home on the tower, and ask him to compare him to Cell. After the place is nearly blown apart, Karin tells Goku that he's very strong, but Cell is a lot stronger. With that Goku leaves, and tells Gohan that they will rest for 3 days and train for three day then rest for the last 3 days.

Goku and Gohan go fishing and do other relaxing activities. Krillin and the others are surprised at how calm Goku is, expecailaly since he thought Cell was more powerful. Gohan rescues a girl in his free time, and celebrates his 11th birthday, When rescuing that girl Gohan meet General Tao and old nemisis of Goku's and once Gohan tells General Tao he's Goku's Son the general is out of there. Piccolo has finally finished training, and Vegeta rushes into the room to try and beat Goku once again. While son and company go shopping, they notice the military is launching an attack on Cell. Of course, the strike is futile, and the armed forces are destroyed. Goku asks Piccolo if he could seperate from Kame so they could recreate the Dragonballs; to which Piccolo says he can't. They need another Namek-jin who is capable of spawning them.

Where better to find a Namek than the planet itself? Goku is unabel to find their new location, so he hops over to King Kai's place and asks him for help. After locating the Nameks, Goku teleports to their planet and explains the situation. The elder offers Dende to him, as he misses Earth and wants to see Gohan and Krillin again. With Dende in hand, Goku teleports to Kame's palace. Dende uses his ability,and the balls go flying off in all directions. Goku pops in Cpsule Corp and takes the draogon radar so he may collect them. As son searches for the dragonballs, the Z warriors watch as an egotistical fool name Mr. Satan (or in the English version Hercule) brags about being hte strongest man on Earth.

Goku notices that two of the Dragonballs are together, and heads that direction. General Tao is also collecting the dragonballs for his boss Vodka, who wants to create adn empire out of ashes after Cell destroys the world. Of course, our jolly hero ignores all danger and meets General Tao face to face. to buy time General Tao tells Goku he can have what they have collected if he solves three metal puzzles. Working into the early moring, Son finally finishes the last one. He teleports to the two villans, now far away, and takes his prize. Goku finds the final Dragon Ball in a lake.

With only one hour until the Cell Gaem, the warriors all arrived at the ring one by one. Mr. Satan (Hercule) drives up in a large car, and gloats about  hsi never-ending power. Joining the Z warriors is #16, repaired by Bulma and Dr. Briefs. They decide that Goku will go first, but Mr. Satan (Hercule) has objections. After Krillin convinces Son that this oaf can be wished back later by the Dragonballs, he agrees to let him go first. Mr. Sata is prepared to fight, when two onter warriors say they are seconde only to Satan. He lets them fight first.... and  Cell defeats them wiht minimal effort. Mr. Satan unleashed a fluryy of kicks and punches, all which do absolutely nothing. Cell slaps him away into some bnearby mountains.

Now only the serious contenders remained. Goku steps into the ring, and beging to fight Cell. Both Start Offf at partial power, and batlle until they both reach their limits. Cell and Goku exchange Kame hame ha's Goku dodges Cell's blasht, Cell get's his head blown off and regenerates it. The Tournament continues, and neither semm to be gaining ground. Goku finally runs out of energy, and rather than taking a Senzu bean, he quits the match. The Other Z warriors are shocked, Goku is the least likely of the bunch to give up a fight.

With Goku out of the running, they wonder who will go next. Goku nominates his own son. Vegeta is somewhat sore about his fellow Saiyan's Decision, but does no intervene.n Gohan Enters the arena ,and Begings his duel. Just like his father, Gohan s getting nowhere fast with Cell. Fellign a fight is meaningless, he tells cell that he does no want to continue. Gohan explains that ever since he was young, he would exhibit immenste power when he got really angry. Cell becomes intrigued, and tries his damendest to piss of the kid off. He inflcts as much pain as possible, yet Gohan still controls himself and refuses to get mad. Goku wonder about hid decision, and Piccolo tells him what Gohan is Feeling. He explains that Gohan does not like to fight like Goku does, and the only thing that's going throughj his head is "Why is my Father making me do this?" Meanwhicle, Cell has beaten Gohan to a bloody pulp, and realizes he's getting nowhere. So he decides to cause harm to Gohan's Friends.

Zooming towards Krillin, he swipes the bag of senzu beans that he is graping and tells Gohan that he will hurt those he cares for so the kid will get angry. Gohan tries to retaliate, bui is kicked away by Cell. It's at this time that 16 steps into acton once againg. Leaping on to Cell, he grabs him in a bear hug and hods him fast. He then tell the Z warriors that he has a very powerful self-destruct mecanism,and that he will destroy Cell along with himself. But nothing happens. Krillin tells the android that when he was beign rebuilt by Capuse  Corporation, Dr Briefs. found a powerful bomb in his body and thought it did not belong there. Thus, he removed it. Cell commends 16 for his valiant attempt....then blows him into small pieces.

Yet still, Gohan has not gotten angey enought. Cell decides to make his own help. Seven Cell Jr's fly out his tail, and he orders them to cause suffering fo the observes of the gamezs. While Vegeta and Trunks are able to hold their own, the five are getting brtalized (Goku has not recovered from his battle with Cell). Gohan wishes that whatever hidden power he has will released, but it just will not show itself. 16 now only a head, begs Mr. Satan to take him to Gohan. Suprisingly, Satan has a moment of courage ang agrees. He tosses the android's remains right next to Cell. 16 tells Gohan that is's OK to release his anger, Especially to protect those he cares for. He then tells him to do it for the birds and the trees he loves so much. Cell steop on 16's head and crushes him out of Exsisitance.

Cell's act of cruelty proves to be the last straw; Gohan attains the next level. He Becomes the ifrst to ever go beyond USSJ, what we refer to as SSJ2. Gohan snatches the snezu back from Cell, and Kills off teh Cell. Jr's one by one. he shows no mercy, and each has an equally brutal death. Tossing the senzu beans to Trunks, he tells him to distrubute them among the injured. Gohan now squares off again with Cell,a dn does immense damage to him with only a few hits. Cell becomes frustrated. so he decides that he will try energy attacks rather than physical . He launches a giant Kamehameha at Gohan adn the Earth. Goku's son overpowers it with his own blast,a dn leaves Cell a Quivering, Deformed Hulk.

Goku orders his son to finish the villain off, but Gohan refuses. He wants to make Cell hurt as much as his firiends. The android uses this time to regernate, and decides to switch to a strong slow, form. Just as he had told Trunks earlier, this form proved to be worthless, and Gohan smacked him very hard in the face, In fact the punch was so hard that i caused Cell to spit out Android 18 and cell decreases to semi perfect cell again. Now standing no chance against Gohan, he begins tjo puff up like a ballon. He tells the Z warriors that in one minute, he will explode and take Earth with him. Gohan curses hiimself for letting Cell live when he had the chance to destroy him. Goku know what he has to do. He wave goodbye to his friends, and places his hand on Cell's enormous body.

Using his instantaneous movement, Goku teleports to Cel to King Kai' planet. He apologizes to King Kai for what he is doing. Cell bursts in a tremendous flash , and erases Goku's Ki (King Kai's pets, Bubbles and Gregory also die). Gohan yells for his father. Appearing at the gates of the spirti realm, GOku and King Kai begin their flight back to the planetoid. it is at this time thay realize something shocking: Cell did not ajppear in heaven, and hence is still alive somewhere.

Back on Earth, a blast comes out of nowhere and pierces Trunks in the heart. Baffled by this development, the Z warriors scan the area for the assisn. Cell appears in fornt of them, and our heroes are completely shocked/ He explain that there is a lump in his head that allows him to regenerate even when the rest of his body is destroyed. Since he has Saiyan cells, Cell has grown a lot stronger form his near - deathe experience, and has also learnd Goku's teleportatiion technique. and, for reasons unknown, he is back in his perfect form, Vegeta becomes enraged at the death of his on, and charges Cell head on. he proves little match, and is toosed away like a doll.

Cell decideds that he's going ot end Vegeta's misery, and fires a blast at his body. Gohan leaps in front of the blast, and badly damages hi arm, Cell decides to taker advantage of this adn flies up into the sky. He begins to charge up a Kamehameha. woth only one good arm, Gohan feels he doesn't have a  chance. However some encouragign words from Goku in the afterlife gives him the spirit ot defend himself. Charging his own one-handed Kamehameha, he projects his energy blast at Cell's massive blast. Musterign all his strength, Gohan Fries Cell once and for all.

With the fight over, the Z warriors lick their wounds. Mr. Satan sees this as an opportunity, and claims to be the winner. The announcer belives him (for some strange reason), and tells his audience that Mr. Satan saved the world.The coward is now viewed and the champion of Earth.

Back at Kame's palace, Senzu beans are distrubuted among the injured warriors, Shenlon is summoned,a dn the first with is to revive all those killed by cell. Strnagly Goku does not return. When Shenlon is asked about this, Shenlon tells them that son GOku wishes to reamiain in the afterlife. For the second wish Krillins tries to make the androids 17 adn 18 human agai, but the Dragon tells him such doing would be beyond his power. Our bald firend thinks for a moment, and asks the Dragon if he can remove the bombs from their bodies of the two androids. Shenlon proceeds with wish. 18 is surprised by Krillin action's, insulting him before saying goodbye.

Meanwhill Chi-Chi is heart broken by he news of Goku's Death. Trunks prepares to return to the future thinking now strong enought to take on the androids of his time. Vegetas reconciliates with his son in own back-handed way. With that, Trunks goes back to the future.

Giving hi mother a brief greeting, Trunks wastes no time. He finds 18 and 17, who a quit4e unalarmed by this " weak" apponent. 18 takes him on and dies. 17 is in disbelief and faces Trunks himself and is also destroyed.

Three year later Trunks is preparing to go back in time again. This time, he senses Cell's Presence and tells him all about what happened. Cell semms unimpressed, and challenges the boy with a Kamehameha. Of course ir proves no match, and the lat incarnation of Cell is detroyed. Peaces has been restored to the present and Future.

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