Garlic Junior Saga

Having freed himself from the Dead Zone, Garlic Jr. Attacks Kami's lookout with help of four new underlings, trapping Kame and Mr popo in a bottle. He uses this opportunity to release the Black Water Mist which turns anyone that comes into contact of the mist evil. Meanwhile Gohan has snuck away from home with his dragon called Icorus in order to visit his friends. Krillin has a new girlfriend named Maron. and at the moment and they at Master Roshi's Island with Bulma, Oolong, Yamacha and master Rohshi of course. The black water mist reaches the island, transforming them all into demons. with he exception of Krillin and Maron, who were underwater when the mist passed over the Island. Gohan and his dragon manage to escape the effects as well.

Having now reached the island, Gohan finds himself attacked by his friends. Garlic Jr.'s minions arrive which are called the Spice boys, they inform him what the black water mist does to people and the only thing to cure them is the sacret water. Piccolo comes to rescue Gohan as he was not effected by the miss because he is already pure evil in his heart unfortuatly he is bitten by yamcha which turns him into a demon or does it?

Upon reaching Kame's tower, Gohan meets Garlic Jr, who tells him how the Makyo star which is coming to Earth (that is what freed him of the Dead Zone) and this star makes him stronger by the second by the minute, Garlic Jr. orders his men to focus their attacks of Gohan, becuase it was him that banished him into the Dead Zone in the first place (Krillin does try to help Gohan). Meanwhile, Vegeta is searching for Goku in deep space, hoping to Keep up with his level of strength.

Piccolo begins to attack Gohan one on one, and does some serious damage to him. Krillin, getting in the way of battle, is bitten by Piccolo, and joins in against Gohan. It is at this moment that Piccolo steals the bottles containg Kame and Mr Popo from Garlic Jr. and realeases them. Piccolo explaing that since he is already a deom, the black water mist has no effect on him. Garlic Jr. becomes enraged, and the makyo star which has increased Garlic Jr. power alot and has enabled him to transform.

Knowing there is no way to release the Holy Water in time to save the Earth except threw the seven air current underneath the palace where the past gods live and that if any living god went through this place he would be in great danger. As the battle with Garlic Jr, and his minionscontinues on the surface, Kame is attacked by the previours gods, who drain his life force. Since Piccolo and Kame are still sprirtually linked, Piccolo begins to suffer in his battle. Despite the incredible amount of pain, Kame and popo press on, Finally reaching the bottom of the palace where the seven air currents lies, while the previours gods attack Kame Mr popo releases the Holy water and it returns the Earth's population to normal.

Back on the surface Gohan, Krillin and Piccolo continue to do battle with Garlic Jr who is now really annoyed that his plan has been foiled so he creates a new Dead Zone, which he hoped would suck up the whole planet. Gohan  creates a shield around him and his friends to stop them from getting sucked into the Dead Zone Kame is released by the Previous gods as they realised that Kame was doing Good, so now Piccolo is fully energised and goes to distract Garlic Jr while Gohan powers up and destroys the Makyo Star which was Garlic Jr's Source of power and when it blew up Garlic Jr shriveled down and was sucked into the Dead Zone which closed Up shortly after Garlic Jr entered.

With Garlic Jr gone peace was restored and the Z Warriors wonder where Goku could possibly be..
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