Trunks Saga Summary
With the exception of Goku who has no yet returned to Earth all is well, but this does not last long as Frieza and Father King Kold are coming to Earth. The Z warriors sense his overwhelming presence, and prepare for his arrival. Knowing that they have no chance against Frieza the Z warriors are frightened to learn about another force stronger than Frieza.

King Cold and his son finally land on Earth. And send there men to search the area for any living souls. But a mysterious teenager with Purple hair swoops down and slaughters all of Frieza's Minions before they have a chance to do anything. The youth tell Frieza that he is going to destroy him, but Frieza of course does not belive him as he thinks he is the most powerful being alive. But then Trunks tells Frieza "Your about to meet a real Super Saiyan and I'm not talking about Goku" Frieza is shocked at this and does not belive him Until he does it he transforms into a Super Saiyan and slice Frieza into peices of dust.

King Kold is next but belives the only reason this mysterious youth beat his son is because of his sword so after convincing the youth to give up his sword to King Kold he attacks against the youth with his own sword but the youth just catches his sword and destroys him with a blast from his hand.

The mysterious youth fies down to the other and tells them to follow him to where Goku will be landing soon . Vegeta is annoyed that there is another Super Saiyan, finally goku arrives in small pod and now is safely of Earth. The Stranger asks Goku to talk to him in private and Goku agrees so they fly away from the rest of the warriors but far enough so the warriors can still see them. The mysterious Youth introduces himself as Trunks he tells Goku that he is son of Vegeta and Bulma and that's where he got his saiyan blood so he is able to become a Super Saiyan.

Goku and Trunks then both go Super Saiyan Trunks attack Goku but Goku does not move because he trust Trunks and he new that he would not strike him down, then Trunks tells Goku he is not going to Stop This Time so Goku get's his finger and uses it to stop Trunk's Sword. Trunks did this because he wanted to find out what he was told was true and it was Goku is great.

Now Trunks tells Goku what he came to say he tells Goku that In 3 years from now 2 deadly androids are going to come and destroy the Earth as they know it, and that the Z warriors will all be destroyed by these androids and he tells Goku that he know this because he has come back 20 years from he Future he also tells Goku that he dies for a Virus that atttacks the heart and he dies from it. Goku is annoyed that he is not able to fight the android but Trunks changes time and give Goku the Antidote to the VIrus so he can fight them. Then before he leaves he tells Goku not to say anything about Vegeta and Bulma getting together or he might not be born, then he flies off and get's back into his time machine and goes bact to the Future.

When Trunks flies off the Z warriors fly over to find out what they talked about but suprisegly Goku is not the one to tell the warriors Piccolo does as he herd it all with his super hearing (leaving out the bits about Vegeta and Bulma).

Then all The Z warriors fly of and start training for the big battle. Tien and Chaozu train together and Goku, Piccolo and Gohan Train together, Krillin and Maste Roshi, Vegeta by himself and Yamacha by himself.

During the 3 years of traing Chi-Chi makes Goku and Piccolo go to learn to drive but they fail the Course and continue Training.

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