Starlit Shadow

After you visit the Divided mountain, you see that there is also a cave on the side. You decide to go in. Inside you find extremely cool and extremely dark.
Hi. Strange we always bump into each other so much.
You twirl around to see Golden Griffin's face, lit by a candle. 'What lives here?' you ask her.
Well, this is meant to be the den of Starlit Shadow, a new grynon. It hasn't hatched yet but would you like to see the egg? Just follow me.
The two of you head towards the back. there you see a black and white egg in a nest.

Grynon's Name: Starlit Shadow
Grynon's Owner: Golden Griffin
Grynon's Age: Egg
Adopted From: Night Valley

I'm hoping it'll hatch soon. I just hate waiting. To get your own, click on the link below.

Click to Adopt a Grynon