Making Ballistic Gelatine

A brief overview of the process

Gather your equipment and materials. You will need 100% pure gelatine, distilled water, a large pan, a whisk, a strainer, a thermometer, paper towels, molds, space in the fridge and a heat source.

You can estimate how much gel you will need to fill your molds by filling them with water. It takes roughly 1 pound of gelatine powder per gallon

Heat the water to 150 degrees, remove from heat. SLOWLY whisk in a 10% ratio (by weight) of gelatine powder. The pan needs to be large enough to contain the foam that will form.
Put a paper towel in the strainer and filter the gelatine through into your mold(s)
Place the molds into the fridge and allow to chill completely to 35 - 40 degrees. (24-30 hours)

I had NO problem finding volunteers to help empty the fridge.

Re-using the gelatine

After taking your measurements and removing the slugs, you can re-melt the gelatine.

Cut it into small pieces and heat SLOWLY in a double boiler to 150 degrees.

Filter through a paper towel and strainer into the molds.

It may be neccessary to replace any lost gelatine.

Place the molds back into the fridge and allow to chill completely to 35 - 40 degrees. (24-30 hours)

