Analysis Spreadsheet
Contributed by Bill Combs.


Download the .32acp spreadsheet (right click, select save as)

Download the 9mm spreadsheet (right click, select save as)


Comments from Bill: [comments are for .32acp, but apply in general to other calibers]

That evil engineer in my soul constructed a spreadsheet to play with the numbers. It's an Excel spreadsheet, uncompressed and MIME encoded. It should work correctly if opened from within any recent version of Excel.

A few thousand words of explanation may help.

Each row contains data and calculated values for one cartridge.

Columns contain, left to right:
- manufacturer name
- bullet type (jhp, fmj, pf)
- caliber (all .32 of course)
- index: a value representing how well the cartridge meets the criteria established by the weighting factors. The values are relative and have no inherent pgysical significance. Higher is better. See below for formula.
- length: cartridge length (measured data) in inches
- wt: bullet weight (measured data) in grains
- vel: velocity (measured data) in fps - e/v: a number, proportional to the momentum of the bullet, derived by dividing energy by velocity. [Energy is proportional to the square of velocity, momentum is proportional to velocity.] - energy: energy in ft-lbs (test result, calculated from measured data)
- fudge: a multiplier (fudge factor) applied to the diameter ("expan") to account for non-circularity of the expanded bullet. Used only to account for the Glaser "bullet" being multiple pellets. The current value of 0.5 for Glaser is a vicious WAG. An engineered WAG would involve calculating the combined cross sectional area of all pellets not entering an exisying wound.
- expan: bullet expanded diameter (measured data) in inches
- f*e: fundged bullet diameter
- penetr: average penetration (measured data) in inches

The index of suitability is calculated by adding five factors, with the relative weighting of each factor in the total being represented by user entered percentages. It is intended that the user entries add to 100%, but this is not an enforced restriction. To aid in keeping the total correct, it is calculated and displayed (lower left, cell B22) dynamically. The five factors are as follows:
- length: relative length of a cartridge as a percentage of the range from minimum to maximum of all samples. This is included since there is some indication that longer cartridges may be less susceptible to rim lock.
- "mom": relative momentum (mass times velocity) of the cartridge as a percentage of the range from minimum to maximum of all samples.
- energy: relative energy (one-half mass times velocity squared) of the cartridge as a percentage of the range from minimum to maximum of all samples.
- wound: relative wound (cylindrical) volume of the cartridge as a percentage of the range from minimum (based on min penetr and min expan of all samples) to maximum (based on max penetr and max expan)of all samples. Lots of assumptions are attached to the "cylindrical" part.
- depth: relative wound channel length (penetr) as a percentage of the range from minimum to maximum of all samples. In each case, higher is better.

The five factors are combined into the index as follows:
index = length * length % +
mom * mom% +
energy * energy % +
wound * wound % +
depth * depth %
The five percentage factors you specify in the five boxes a the bottom of the spreadsheet.

All values which you can change are in red and include only the five weighting percentages and a fudge factor for each cartridge.

Four of the weighting factors are shown in pairs: mom/energy and wound/depth. The two members of a pair are commonly thought to represent the same physical type of characteristic -- i.e., some folks like energy as a measure of how "hot" a load is, while others prefer momentum. So as not to take sides, both are represented. Zero the weighting factors for those you don't like.

Example: Say I think that wound volume and energy should be equally weighted in determining the best cartridge. Length is of no importance to me, and I think that using momentum as a measure of strength is nonsense. I enter the 5 weighting factors as:
length % = 0%
mom% = 0%
energy % = 50%
wound % = 50%
depth % = 0%
The check TOTAL says 100%, so my entries are OK. The values for "index" now represent how well each cartridge meets my criteria. If I want to see the order, I can sort the data:
1) Select/highlight the data area by clicking in cell B5 and dragging through cell N10
2) Select SORT from the TOOLS Menu
3) Click on "No Header Row" in the SORT dialog box
4) Click on "Column E" and "Descending" under "Sort By"
5) Click on OK The rows will be sorted best first, worst last.

To see the effect of using only one factor at a time, change the weighting for 1 factor to 100% and the others to zero. Then play with different combinations that tickle your fancy.
