Chance's Catland
Hi, my name is Chance.  I was born on June 19, 2001.  I thought it was about time that I got my own web page so I got after my owner Jaimee and guess what, now I have one!  I am an inside cat, but I go outside in the summer with my harness on.  I have a very important job, I watch the house during the day to make sure that matters are running smoothly. The picture on the background is of me. I think I look quite smart in chrome.  

Here I Am!

Here I am keeping a watch over my domain. I am very smart and very
important in my houshold. In fact, you could call me the king of the castle.

Here I am keeping a watch on the property.  You never know when you might need to attend to something important so it is always good to be on the look out.

Here is some advice for everyone. Always take time to
stop and smell the flowers.

Here is a picture of me with my buddy Goofy

So here I am.  If you would like to e-mail me you can.  Just make sure you address it to Chance.

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