Click on above picture to link to The Grand Lodge of Texas
Meeting: Second Thursday of each month 7:30 PM
Who is in the picture above? These are some of the most famous Freemasons of all time: President and
Brother George Washington, Brother Benjamin Franklin, Brother Jose Navarro, Brother William B. Travis,
Brother Sam Houston, Brother Lorenzo de Zavala, Brother Stephen F. Austin, President and Brother
Theodore Roosevelt, Brother Charles Lindbergh, President and Brother Franklin D. Roosevelt, Brother Will
Rogers, President and Brother Harry S. Truman, U.S. General and Brother Douglas S. MacArthur, Brother
and Rev. Norman Vincent Peale, Brother John "Duke" Wayne and U.S. Lunar Astronaut and Brother Edwin
E. "Buzz" Aldrin. This is but a small list of famous Masons. There are many, many others. Become part of
this elite group. In order to become a Mason, a man first must already have a faith and express his belief in
God, and believe in the existence of an immortal soul. Masonry does not make a man good, but is designed to
make a good man better. No atheist can be made a Mason. If you are of good character, have a firm belief in
the Supreme Being and the immortality of the soul, all you have to do to be one is ask one.
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