A Worldwide Network

Begun in 1985 to end isolation and loneliness among midlife and old Lesbians, now GOLDEN THREADS is a worldwide network. Although created for the ageful Lesbian, no woman is excluded because of her age. Every June since 1987, we have celebrated ourselves, our Lesbianism, and our age whatever it is. When we return to our homes, we take with us the joy of self-acceptance.

Golden Threaders believe that giving pleasure to one another creates happiness for all of us, which in turn creates a happier world. Pleasure is political.

OUR MOTTO: You are never too old to love and to be loved.


Also, GOLDEN THREADS is a contact publication for Lesbian women over fifty, and their younger Lesbian friends. Issue dates are March, June, September, December. Subscription is free to members. A Golden Threader receives the publication for the term of her membership. Golden Threaders become friends with one another, no matter where we are around the world or across town. We come together in correspondence, by exchanging talk tapes and by telephone. Eventually, most Golden Threaders meet. For more information, please send an SASE to: GOLDEN THREADS: P. O. Box 1688, Demorest, GA 30535-1688. The cost of a sample copy (current issue date) mailed discreetly is $5.00 (U.S.$). Canadians $5.00 (U.S.$). Other countries $10.00 (U.S.$, International Postal Money Order.)

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