Balamb Colosseum Newbie Central
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Welcome to the first website devouted to teaching the "newbs" of Balamb Colosseum how to actually play this game effectively.  There are a gigantic amount of newbs that play this fantastic game, and I've decided that someone has to teach tem on a mass scale, instead of one by one, liek I used to do.  So this guide shall guide the average newb along the way to victory and expertiseness... ness.... expert... ness...

Anyway, this guide will be differant from all others because it will be fully detailed and will contain pictures!  That's right, a picture of every single step, on what to do, what is happening, and what that skill looks like and what its doing.  I will make sure that no aspect of this game is left unturned, and I will succeed in turning you newbs into the greatest fighting machines of our time!

On a side note, I will also be hosting my many funny colo pictures that I have taken over my time, including the rare "Heaven Cent of Doom".

Well that's so much for the intro, click the Walkthrough link and get reading!
The Balamb Colosseum, with your normal 5v5 game.
Dario's Colo pics
About the Author
You can contact me on Balamb Palace, or E-mail me if you have questions or comments.
Name: Ðär¡Ø
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