Martina McBride Facts
Full name: Martina Schiff McBride
Birthdate: July 29, 1966
Birth place: Sharon, Kan., population 200
Hair color: Auburn
Eye color: Blue
Height: 5 ft. 2 in.
Spouse: John McBride, sound engineer/production
manager, married May 15, 1988
Children: Delaney Katherine - December 22,
Emma Justine - March 29, 1998
Previous jobs: Demo singer, T-shirt
concessionaire for Garth Brooks
Big break: Opening for Garth Brooks on his
1992 tour
Label: RCA
CMA Awards: 1994 Video of the Year
for Independence Day
1999 Female Vocalist
Top 10 country singles: "My Baby Loves Me"
(No. 2, 1993);
"Life #9'' (No. 6, 1994);
"Safe in the Arms of Love" (No. 4, 1995);
"Wild Angels" (No. 1, 1996)
1992 The Way That I Am
1993 Wild Angels
1995 Evolution
1997 White Christmas (1998)
1998 Emotion
1999 White Christmas (1999) 1999
Greatest Hits 2001