TopGun Sound
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Jeeze.wav "Jesus Christ!"
Keep.wav "He can't get back in the saddle. He won't engage." "It's only been a few days." "You know he might not make it back." "Keep sending him up."
Neverleave.wav "That was some of the best flying I've seen yet, right up to the part where you got never leave your wingman!"
Runhide.wav "You can run kid but you can't hide!"
Dead.wav "Bingo...Mavericks Dead! You're out of there kid."
Combat.wav "Gentlemen...this school is about combat."
Dunno.wav "Tell me one thing...if you had to go into battle would you want him with you?" "I don't know...I just don't know."
Gdpilot.wav "I'm not going to sit here and blow sunshine up your ass Lt. A good pilot is compelled to always evaluate what happened so he can apply what he's learned."
Goosedead.wav "Goose is dead." "I know."
Illfly.wav "Maverick you'll get your RIO when you get to your ship, and if you don't give me a call. I'll fly with you." "Yes sir."
10min.wav "What about Willard and Simpkins?" "Both catapults are broken. We can't launch any aircraft yet sir." "How long?" "It will take ten minutes." "Bullshit ten minutes! This thing will be over in two minutes! Get on it!"
150.wav "What's their range now? "200 miles sir." "If they break 150 launch the alert five aircraft." "Yes sir."