Duncan and Stuart
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Duncan (1969) and Stuart (1972) were both born in Kent and like myself are Kentish Men.
We moved to Somerset in 1976 but they  both now reside in other counties.
Duncan with his new baby brother and with my mother at Rochester Castle.
A local farmer kept a working horse on his farm which Stuart is  siting on.
We kept ducks in our garden and some years kept an orphan lamb. Duncan is holding Lightning who is almost fully grown. Lightning lived for a while with a flock of sheep but was in due course sent to market.   We did not eat lamb for months. Other lambs were female and all had lambs of their own and died of old age
When Duncann was young we had a cat called Timmy.
Stuart fishing oblivious of the meaning of the sign.  He climbed Helvellyn in the Lake District.   The photo looks down on Red Tarn and Stridding Edge. A picture drawn by Duncan after seeing 1933 film King Kong.
Final picture of Stuart on holiday in Egypt.
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