Gorham Lions Club

Meetings held every
2nd and 4th Tuesday
at our clubhouse, the old Elmwood one-room schoolhouse on
414 South Street (Rt 114) in Gorham, Maine.
Directions here.

Social hour starts at 6 pm, dinner served at every meeting at 6:30 pm

To contact the club,
the address is at the bottom of this page.

Gorham Lions Club
Gorham, Maine, U.S.A.
1954 - 2004

50 Years of Community Service

Lion Facts ~ What we are
The motto "We Serve" was adopted by Lions International in 1954. Still today the motto perfectly describes the philosophy of Lions.

Eyeglass Recycling.
In Gorham the box is in Hannaford and
at Dr. Alan J. Mathieu's office on 347 Main Street

Photo Album

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched…but are felt in the heart.
~ Helen Keller
Lion Links:
Lions International
Lions District 41-L
Lions MD 41
Community Links:

Town of Gorham

Gorham Schools

Gorham Times

Baxter Library

Gorham Historical Society

Gorham Trails

This Site Updated: October 19, 2006

Gorham Lions Club
414 South Street
Gorham, Maine 04038

E-mail to the webmaster.