The Gothic Side of a Jester
For all of you who sit there and come to the realization that I'm just a normal person in life, I guess I gotta spell half this out.  My words may be harsh, but its what I've been told, shown, and basically explained through out my past.  Also, if you don't like it, you can go take what you consider to be this life and Cram it up where the sun don't shine.  Okay, that beind said, I'll get into this more and more then. My name, for simple purposes, is Aaron. I am the writer for a small private story firm.  I'm an actor and a lover of music. I guess thats all I will write at the moment as I'm figuring other points into this all and sketching.
Now to continue on with the Joys of it all.  For note, its not wise to listen to certain songs while view this page.  Also all things stated beyond this are my own thoughts, not that of a share collective.  Any phrasing to people, places, or things means I'm losing it.  So lets get this shin dig started.  Note, I do not use a spellchecker, yes I know my spelling sucks, so just deal.
Gothic Jesters Journal:  In other words this is where I write some stuff up that I think I should share about my self.  If you like it great, email me and let me know, if you don't then say nothing and keep the opipion to your self.  I tend to write in it at weird times.
Links and other parts to other peoples pages and maybe even, GASP, to a web ring.  Yeah right if I ever get around to it in all things.  Don't ask why I used The Ryu pic, I like it.. so blow off.
Art work:  This is the part of my page that I'm the most reluctant to put up cause its a bunch of different art work that I've done and even a few photos of me.  Feel free to forawrd comments to me.  I really need to load  a LOT of stuff on it. Last Updated: 09/30/2003
Me, Mage Con South 2003 - Saturday, $ days no Shaving, REALLY tired, and only 1 beer in me.  Gotta love being the Fire Sorcerer thats feared the most.  Oops, rambling.
Jankey Delight Corner:  This is the area of my page where I have dedicated a few portions of fun all around and smeared it in good and hard.  Again, nothing posted on this page should be taken to seriously.  Except for the Six - Stones Stuff.  That is very serious and they are a lot of people that I like to see at the convetions.  I'll be re vamping it also.  Whenever I get it updated.
Last Update: September 30, 2003
Yes, its in, I have a Web shop where i'm putting my art up to be orderd on and such.  Hope ya dig and enjoy.
Society in Shadows is a Copyrighted game under Six Stones Inc.  Jankey Delight is Property of them, cause I play it.  so please.. don't pull unless ya play in SiS.