(New Update Version 1.0.1018)

XtraProgressBar is a Visual Studio .NET Progress Bar control for Windows Forms Application, which is highly customizable that would meet more than most DotNET applications developers' requirements.

This control is totally royalty-free. You're welcome to download, use and distribute it with your own application. But please give credit where credit is due and indicate the source. Thanks.


bullet A smooth progress bar with colors or images setting.
bullet Texts to show percentage, or with any messages you want, even changing the texts during runtime to show the current status.
bullet Different texts colors setting.
bullet Orientation in Horizontal (left to right) or Vertical (bottom to top) direction.
bullet Can move in reversed direction.
bullet With extra time and creativity, interesting 'progressing' images can be created instead of just a moving bar.
bullet Could be used in Visual Basic .Net and C# .Net project.
bullet See sample screenshot.

New Update Version 1.0.1018:
Fix the progress bar refresh problem when call BarPerformStep().

Free Download:

Click here to download xtraprogressbar.zip    (10 KB Version 1.0.1018)

OR, download sample demo VB and C# projects (with xtraprogressbar.dll included):

Click here to download sample.zip    (78 KB Version 1.0.1018)


bullet Please unzip the file.
bullet Copy xtraprogressbar.dll to the \bin directory (or any folder you wish).
bullet In Visual Studio .NET Development Environment, Tools > Add/Remove Toolbox Items > .NET Framework Components, click Browse, select  the xtraprogressbar.dll file, click OK.
bullet Now you should see the control in the Toolbox panel (No Regsvr32 needed).
bullet You can drag and drop the progressbar control onto your form design.

(Note: For the sample projects: Open GotXtraCCSolution.sln, go to Project > Add Reference, click Browse, select the xtraprogressbar.dll file, click OK. Run the project.)


This assembly is strongly named. So it could be deployed by either keeping it private inside your application directory (recommended) or installing it into the global assembly cache.


Your feedback is welcome. If you have any questions or problems, please e-mail to: gotxtracc@yahoo.com Thank you for your support.

All Freeware are provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.

Copyright © 2004 GotXtraCC. All Rights Reserved.