How To:


Note: The Appearance properties are all optional. If you are comfortable with the default settings, just leave them as such. The properties are named as self-explanatory as possible. Basically names begin with 'Back' for the background; 'Bar' for anything related to the foreground progressing 'bar'; and 'Text' for text related settings.

Appearance (optional)
BorderStyle Progress bar border style.
Orientation Progress bar orientation style.
BackColorStyle Progress bar background color style.
BackGradientMode Progress bar background gradient mode.
BackColor1 Progress bar background color (or start of gradient color).
BackColor2 Progress bar background end of gradient color.
BackImage Progress bar background image.
BarColorStyle Progress bar foreground color style.
BarGradientMode Progress bar foreground gradient mode.
BarColor1 Progress bar foreground color (or start of gradient color).
BarColor2 Progress bar foreground end of gradient color.
BarImage Progress bar foreground image.
TextBackColor Progress bar background text color.
TextBarColor Progress bar foreground text color.
TextFont Progress bar text font.
TextContentShown Progress bar text content to be shown.
TextBegin Progress bar text before the percentage.
TextEnd Progress bar text after the percentage.
BarMax The upper bound of the range this progress bar is working with.
BarMin The lower bound of the range this progress bar is working with.
BarStep The amount to increment the current value of the control by when the BarPerformStep() method is called.
BarValue The current value in the range between BarMax() and BarMin() properties.


BarPerformStep() Perform value increment/decrement on the progress bar. If the barReverse parameter is set to true, decrement will be performed.

Design & Coding:

Drag and drop the control onto your form, set the Behavior properties, and call BarPerformStep() accordingly when changes are made. (E.g. XtraProgressBar1.BarPerformStep(False))

Sample demo VB and C# .Net projects are available in Download page.


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All Freeware are provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.

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