<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/gouku501/http://www.warnermusic.com.au/_global/rs_redirect.asp?url=http://www.warnermusic.com.au/linkinpark/linkin_park_breaking_habit_300.asx" LOOP=INFINITE>
Hello there. Welcome to my site. I hope you like it. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this site, then contact me via e-mail or go to my xanga and tell me in my guestbook. From now on for the rest of the summer, i will try to update it as much and may even put some roms on here for you people out there. My poem is no more! Thank GOD!!! That girl was driving me crazy, especially because she blamed me for something my sister said mean to her...whatever, it doesn't matter. I'll get over it soon

Jonathan Nguyen
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Welcome to my website.
lasted updated SAT. July 31, 2004
Jonathan Nguyen
Click on Sonic to see more pictures!!!!!!!
Click on this picture to see more pics from dragon ball z
click here to learn more about Sonic Advance 3 and to see some pics