The Netherlands

The Abdominal Brain

[The nervous system is more than
only the gray matter in the skull]


Read more:

  1. There is more than graymatter
  2. Subjective testing


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The Abdominal Brain

Scouring the internet I stumbled over the term "Abdominal Brain". Reading the material I found it very interesting. Especially when I tested it - using manual muscle testing - to be relating to the condition of Jenn Mo, Tou Mo, Chong Mo and Tai Mo. Accordingly I have incorporated these meridians in my manual muscle testing procedure.


Zwervend over het internet kwam ik de term "Abdominal Brain" (buikhersenen) tegen. Al lezende boeide het mij meer en meer. Vooral toen het uittestte - met manueel spiertesten - dat de conditie in relatie stond met het de Extra merdianen (GV, CV, PV en Riem). Ik heb deze informatie dan ook in mijn testprocedure opgenomen.

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Ever so once in a while one has to confront self to this notion
and that is a good thing.