Govzombie's Mind Control Defense Site |
Introduction |
The US government has been using their people for experimention for many years.
Over the years the technology has changed from simple microwave weapons and
gang stalking to ultra sophisticated electronic harrassment and the use of supercomputers
or AI's. I don't claim to understand the exact technology but
they (often called perps) have the ability to control bodily functions including
the brain. They seem to be able to control things down to the cellular
level from remote locations. II've been a victim of such technology for at least 20 years. With me the perps claim to have a purpose. That is that they are studying addiction
and how to cure it. I've been subjected to such painful torture
in an order to change my mental process's it's unbelievable. I've created this website in order to help others fight MC technology. I've
come up with several things that help and want to bring them to the attention
of other victims. |
Binaural Beats |
Neurotransmitters |
Magenetic Fields |
If you would like to discuss this site please join this forum |
Kanji Symbol for Warrior. I'm having these made up in vinyl for people
to be able to identify other victims. Email me if you want one. govzombie at |