Published by
Gower PTA Media Team
© 2000


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Faculty Administration, Teachers and Support Staff at Gower Elementary.

Monday Memos Keep up to date with Monday Memos

School Calendar Calendar for the 2000-2000 School Year

Fundraisers Current Fundraising Efforts at Gower

Teachers Wish Lists Our Teachers would appreciate donations of these specific items for their classroom.

School News What's happening at our school.

Community Education Bellevue Community Education sponsors several afterschool programs at Gower.

Holiday Happenings Find out about our Holiday Fun at Gower

Community Events Family Fun Events in our community.

Volunteers Needed Gower needs parent volunteers.

Gower PTA Gower PTA News

Links Links to Student and Parent Resources, Core and much more.

Gower Elementary School

WELCOME -- to the Gower Elementary Website. Here you can find out everything going on at our school - activities, fundraisers, PTA decisions, field trips, teacher wish lists, volunteers needed and much, much more. If you have any news to share or ideas for columns, please feel free to write. All submissions gratefully accepted. Send all contributions to the Editor of this newsletter. I hope you will take a minute and subscribe to the Gower PTA Online Newsletter. You'll be notified of up to the minute news and updates from your PTA. Your email will be kept confidential. Layer 1

The Gower Elementary School PTA is busy planning their Annual Gower Spring Festival, to be held Saturday April 8th, 2000. The school will host a silent and a live auction, as well as free kids games and activities, educational exhibits and activities, bake sale and a cookout by Dale McWright. Event organizers are seeking tax deductible donations of items and services to be auctioned off in the silent and live auctions. If you can donate your services or goods, please email Julianna Harper at

Meet Gower's Faculty. Listings of Gower's Teachers, Administration, and Support Staff. Listings include some contact email addresses.

Look over the Gower Teachers Wish Lists to see if you can help our hardworking teachers aquire the supplies they need for their classrooms.

Find out what's happening at our school From late breaking news to day to day routine, there is always something interesting going on at Gower.

Bellevue Community Education sponsors several after-school enrichment programs at Gower Elementary.

Check out the Holiday Fun at our school. Also includes an extensive list of links to Kid's Holiday Fun online.

Our Community Events page has listings of family fun and educational events in our area.

Check out our current Fundraising efforts at Gower Elementary. I'm sure you can find some way to help us to reach our goals. Remember, contributions are tax deductible. Encourage your employers to contribute.

Visit Gower's Links List. We've gathered links to valuable information about your school system, Core Curriculum, Parent and Student Resources and more.

Subscribe to the Gower PTA Online Newsletter for up to the minute school news and updates.

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© 2000 by Gower PTA Media Team
All material contained within this electronic or its corresponding print publication is copyrighted 2000. Any reproduction must be with specific written permission from Gower PTA Media Team. Comments gladly accepted; send via e mail toGower PTA Media Team


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