Semidirect Products are retarded

This my home "on" the interweb.

Don't worry about the details; it's already triangulated.
Those who may worry that this is not "rigorous" enough are invited to transcribe it in terms of epsilons and deltas.
I'm moving this up to the top here, because I think my fans may be missing out on all the wonderful content of this website. Especially my humerous "musical" renditions.
If you really want to laugh, imagine that I'm sitting on a donkey and wearing a tophat while playing these.

Anyway, here's the promised music. (Right click on a file, click "Save As", choose location, rinse lather repeat)

<<<---This is a picture of the power of knowledge. Here's more naked pictures of knowledge.

I find that it is alot like God's home... alot of other people come to use it one or two days a week, but nevertheless it's still his (or so they say).
    In exactly the same way... this "netset" is still my home...

Here's the news.

Here's the site's mascot: (Hint: Its name is Rusty, not Eagle Fred.)                                                      

If you are really careful, you may have noticed that this site is listed as a a science page by the fine (bandwidth hogging, terminal-nazi) folk at The Geocities.
    If you are even carefuller, you will notice that this computation is in fact correct.

You can blog here.

You can communicate with each other here:
            Enter Communications         Read communications

This (not the one you are actually viewing at this very moment) is the most important netsite on the interweb.

You can use electropost to contact me at "gee" petrics **AT** yahoo **DOT** com

Among other important things in my life, there is a genuine love of the thrill of the hunt for cheese curds!! (think poutiens people... m.f'ing poutiens)

ALSO: As a service to you, my constituents, I will provide you with the following information:
    I have very limited bandwidth (and I love italics), so please only download what you think you really want to use to laugh at me with...

But if we do manage to go over, it only takes an hour to reset, so "don't" feel too bad...
    There's more laughs at good ol'e Greggie's expense comin' right up!

I play bat and only bat mitsvahs.     <<<---I.E. This.
    Contact "gee" petrics **AT** yahoo **DOT** com to arrange for your daughter's festivities to be made even more festive, by me, crazy g.

What the shit is the bag between Donkey's front and hindquarters anyway? And what about Donkey's tounge?! Where's that going?! AND GOOD GOD! WHY IS SANTA SO HAPPY?

DISCLAIMERS: This netsite may contain interpolations of classical texts. Unfortunately not all sets can be determined simply by listing their elements. I poke fun at all religions equally so please do not give me shit.