Pictures kindly provided by Nick Williamson - thanks Nick
Photo - Nick Williamson
The FV430 series of vehicles has a long pedigree which can be traced back to the origins of the famous WW II bren gun carriers/universal carriers. The immediate predecessors of the FV430 series were the FV420 series, themselves developed from these carriers. The prototype vehicle, FV431, provided the basis for the FV432. FV432 is essntially a steel box on tracks. It was built by GKN Sankey and production finished in 1971.
There are four basic marks, Mk 1, Mk 1/1, Mk 2, and Mk 2/1. The Mark 1 had a roof mounted exhaust. The Mark 2s are identifiable by the prominent exhaust on the LH side of the vehicle..
An excellent FV432 website by Dave Giles can be found at
Photo - Nick Williamson
This and the next photo are of a Mk 2 - note the exhaust
Photo - Nick Williamson
Photo - Nick Williamson
The FV432 has povided the basis for many other variants/special purpose vehicles. These include:
Command Vehicle
Cargo Carrier
Recovery Vehicle.
Each of these versions essentially involves a simple refit of the basic vehicle.
FV432 Mortar Carrier
Fitted with an L16A1 81 mm mortar
FV432 with 84 mm Carl Gustav
Turreted FV432
The most common version is with a GPMG turret. There are also vehicles used
by the Berlin Garrison with 30 mm Rarden turrets, as well as some vehicles fitted
with Scorpion turrets for use as Opposing Force (OPFOR) vehicles in exercises.
FV432 Battery Command Vehicle (Royal Artillery)
Distinguished by a extensive roof racking and large box-like awning on the top
rear of some vehicles.
FV432 with Sound Location (Royal Artillery)
Box like structure on roof. Lots of aerials.
FV432 (Royal Engineers)
Mine layer variants, such as Ranger
Engineering vehicle with crane jib and open top.
FV436 Radar Vehicles
(Royal Artillery)
FV432 variants with Green Archer, MSTAR or ZB298 battlefield radars, or later,
Cymbeline mortar location radar.
FV438 Swingfire Missile Vehicle
Subsequently modified for command and control purposes.
FV439 with Wavell or with Ptarmigan
This had roof mounted generators and air conditioning equipment. Wavell is a
battlefield computerised data management system (Automatic Data Processing =
ADP). Ptarmigan is a battlefield communication system.