Welcome To "The Weeping Veil"!

For Earthdawn Enthusiasts.
Note: The Knights of the Weeping Veil have been put on slow motion.
The GM has moved away, and we are starting a new campaign with one
of the previous players as GM. The Knights may continue with their
saga at undetermined intervals.

So, now you have a choice - continue with what you see here, or
go to The New Campaign!.

Brief History about our campaign and the reason for the group's name.
Gramafatigut's Journal
Character Sheets (With some additional areas for group threads)
Some Knacks
Stories based upon Gram's Journal
My Family & Me

Links -

Earthdawn Webproject!
Earthdawn Discussion Board
Strands - One of the Best...
Fasa - The original creators of Earthdawn
Living Room Games - The current creators of Earthdawn

Email me at gr8marduk@aol.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

And just to let you know what you will be missing if you don't visit back!

Another story based upon my journal.
More journal entries..
More Family pictures (I know your excited).

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This Earthdawn Webring site is owned by Mark Spriggs.

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