Homebase of Grabit Upcoming Events, Changes, Tutorials  and News on GrabitMy Homemade Tutorials are located hereMy favorite Links to Good Tutorials for MayaNeed to get in touch with Me ? Here you can Grabit's Date of Birth

Welcome to Grabit's Website! Dedicated to the Maya User Community and fellow 3D Lovers alike. I am 30 years of age and my Dayjob is being a Video Editor-Freelancer for many of Germany's Top TV Stations. To increase possiblities inside of the pre-production phase i soon decided to learn a 3D Application. With the increase of CG on the Market i decided to do some research and soon found a very effictive Site to learn Digital Art itself. Digital-Tutors had me up and running in no time, and ever since i connected to their site i knew i could accomplish the task of learning Computer Graphic Software Applications quickly. On this hand "Thank-You"
Papa G, Tanya, Kyle, Bmatson and the Crew of DT. Also to increase productivity i decided to find a fellow friend on the Web and soon found Brandeil who ventures around with me in the "3D-Galaxy". Thanks "B" for being there when i need you. This brings us to the reason why i created this site, to further increase my knowledge by teaching others. Thanks to DT i also found many other fellow Maya Adventurers, (Shoutout-2) Minitron, Glick, DjVoyager, and Laxman, (The-DT-Mayarators). Hi Fellas! I think the Moderator team at DT is increadible and highly recommend all artists working with maya a quick stop-by. Have a nice day and a great time with the tutorials here on Grabit.

Note - This site is best viewed (1280 x 1024), at this setting the page will fit the screen perfectly in Maya's Web Browser as well as in the Internet Explorer 6. I tried to design this Webpage to be user friendly to viewers on a 56k modem, for faster viewing. Enjoy!

Ajoy "Nojoy" Das
QuickLink to the Tutorial Modeling Section
QuickLink to the Tutorial Texturing Section
QuickLink to the Tutorial Lighting Section
QuickLink to the Tutorial Render Section
QuickLink to the Modules Tutorial Section
Digital Tutors - Serious Free CG Training
Brandeil's BoheMayan Tutorial Raphsody
Minitron's Magical Maya Mind