To my ANGEL page.

Actually, I have collected angels since the early 70's.  Lately it seems a lot of
people do.  I have slowed down on my collection simply because I thought too
much emphasis is now being placed on angels rather than Jesus.

Although this is still my personal opinion, I want to mention that were it not
for the Lord, there would be no Godly angels to protect us, to minister to us,
to even appear to us and at times speak to us for the Lord.   We must always
remember too that Satan was once an angel, in fact one of the head ones and
when he rebelled against God, many angels did too and there were millions of
them cast out of heaven with Satan.  Sometimes Satan will even appear as an
angel of light, according to Scripture.

I want to emphasize the importance they have of being messengers for Christ
Jesus.  We do NOT have authority to dispatch angels here or there but we DO
have authority to ask the Lord to do that for us.  There are angels of truth, of mercy, of grace, of many Godly qualities.  So as you look at THIS angel collection, be reminded of the love God has for each of us as He uses them to
touch our lives.  
This little cutie reminds me of new birth because of the butterfly and her little cupid appearance.--->
us to
Honestly...........I DO love cats too!
Could not resist this one!!

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