Movie Information |
Visit the movie databases, by clicking either company logo below. These sites are the most helpful when searching for movie information. Whether you are looking for actors, actresses, directors, producers, or just info about a particular movie. |
IMDB is an excellent movie information site, with an excellent search engine. Once a film is found, there is an indicator which will let you know if the particular film is available on DVD or VHS..and of course giving you the opportunity to purchase it. Movie trailers and movie stills are also available to be viewed. Never forget, there is always room for discussion, and you will definitely get the chance to chat with other movie buffs. |
Yahoo! Movies has a very simple and moderate design that is easy to navigate through. Although, the information database is not as informative as of IMDB. There are movie trailers as well as photos, but the database does not seem to recall older films. There is a DVD link, which will bring you to the opportunity to purchase DVDs online through Yahoo!. |