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The Spire

Sigil Size: recent Harmonium surveying state a Sigil diameter of about 5 miles and a circumference of 20 miles. Obviously, The Lady can enlarge or narrow the city as She likes.

Sigil Calendar: a real calendar doesn't exist and traditionally the year is referred to the reign of the Guvners factol (for example: 127° year of factol Hashkar's reign).

Sigil Time: the brightest hour (our noon) is defined peak and the darkest hour (our midnight) antipeak; three hours before peak is called before-peak and three hours after after-peak.

Every planewalker should know the City of Doors. Sigil's referred to as the Cage by its citizens. For a place also called the City of Doors, getting in or out isn't always easy. The only way in or out of Sigil is through the portals that show up in the doorways, archways, windows and other openings found throughout the city. Spells, magical items, innate powers or anything else get a body into or out of the Cage.
Known permanent portals from Sigil to the Great Ring:

Barracks Prison Shattered Temple Hive< Triona
Public Baths Temple of the Abyss Ditch Weary Spirit Infirmary Great Gymnasium
Temple of Hermes Armory Gate of the Clueless Hall of Records Portal Close
Jester's Palace Black Sail Tavern Mortuary Civic Festhall Great Bazaar
Courts Foundry Gatehouse Hall of Speakers  
Golden Bariaur Duergar foundry Bottle & Jug Street-sweepers' Yard  

The Lady of Pain calls kip in Sigil, but fortunately she doesn't even show her death-dealing image around much. Sigil is hers simply. She controls the portals and keeps every power or archfiend out. Those who cross her die or end up in the Mazes, extradimensional pocket-labyrinths from which there's no escape. Nobody knows what the Lady is, but canny cutters know this: leave her be, don't talk to her, don't ask her for help, don't worship her, and certainly don't antagonize her.
The dabus, humanoid creatures, serve the Lady of Pain directly, act as her eyes and ears, but most importantly her hands, making sure that everything in Sigil works correctly. Some sages think that the Lady can make portals wherever she wishes, and somehow directs the dabus to use and maintain them. A word of advice: don't bother the dabus and don't get in their way; any berk who crosses them is quite sure to attract the Lady's attention.Mansion

The city is built within a torus that floats above the Spire at the center of the Outlands. How, nobody knows. Spells work fine and a body has no problem living here, except for all the smoke, the polluted air, the everlasting acid rain, the razorwine, the cranuim rats, the fiends, the cross-trading knights and a population of generally berks. Most say it's the Lady who keeps everything working. Maybe she even built the place, but when nobody knows.

Sigil is separated into wards:
The Lady's Ward
The Clerk's Ward
The Lower Ward
The Guildhall and Market Wards
The Hive Ward

Canny bashers should find Sigil a place of infinite opportunity. First of all, a body can get anywhere from here and can get here from anywhere. That alone makes it the most important place in the multiverse. Sigil is a center of trade; not only here a body can find whatever she's looking for, but she can find surely somebody with a need of whatever she has to offer.

The Cage is also the center of factions activity. The Lady of Pain permits and tolerates the factions, their assumptions of power and their various philosophies. As long as they don't threaten her goals or the city as a whole, she doesn't pay them any attention.


Factions' Headquarters
Lady's Ward
City Courts
(Fraternity of Order)
City Barracks
Lower Ward

Great Foundry
(Believers of the Source)

Clerk's Ward
Hall of Speakers
(Sign of One)
Civic Festhall
(Society of Sensation)
Guildhall and
Market Wards
Great Bazaar
(Free League)
Great Gymnasium
(Transcendent Order)
Hive Ward
(Bleak Cabal)