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to my Awards & Gifts Page
Click on any of these awards to visit some great sites!!!
Thank you, Gina, without your help this site would never have been completed!!
Received 7/8/04
Received 7/8/04
You are indeed, a very special friend!

Received 7/9/04
Thank you Helena!
Received 7/10/04
Thank you so much.
Children are the center of my world.
Received 7/10/04 ~ Thank you
Received 7/10/04
This means a great deal to me - Thanx!
Received 7/15/04
What a great birthday gift...Thank You!
Received 7/10/04 ~~ Thank you John
Received 7/22/04 ~~ Thank you Andrea!
Thank you Sharon
Thank you Dannie ~~ We all loved this one!
Tender Hearts Gift ~ Received 7/18/04
Received 7/23/04
Thank you Gina!! Were it not for your faith in me this site would never have come about ~ Let alone grown as it has in such a few short weeks.
Received 7/24/04
Thank you Rose - TenderHeart Sister
Helena, I'm so glad you liked the new pages!
Received 7/27/04
Thank you Carolyn!!
Received 10/19/04
Ladies, I miss meeting you on the board.
Think of you all often!!
Email me anytime & send new pages!