To My

Research Page

And Other Interesting Links

The following information, is where I did my research. I will show you where I got my information for the beginning generations first.

1. "History of the Descendants of John Whitman Of Weymouth, Massachusetts
by Charles H. Farnam, A.M.
Assistant in Archoeology in the Peabody Museum,
Yale University, New Haven;
Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, Printers - 1889

2. "History of the County Of Annapolis"
by W. A. Calnek
Originally published in 1897 by William Briggs - Toronto
Facsimile edition printed by Mika Studio, Belleville,
Ontario 1972
CANADIANA - Reprint Series No. 30

3. "History of the County Of Annapolis Supplement"
by A. W. Savary, M.A., D.C.L.
Mika Publishing, Belleville, Ontario 1973 - Originally
published in 1913 by William Briggs - CAN. Reprint No. 63

4. "The Annapolis Valley Whitmans"
Compiled by C. B. Whitman
Weston, Ontario
from data supplied by the wide spread Whitman family
from coast to coast.

5. "A History of the Village of Paradise, Nova Scotia"
Published & Distributed By:
Paradise Women's Institute
Paradise, Nova Scotia
Printed by: Babcock's Office Products
New Minas, Nova Scotia
July - 1991
"Paradis Terrestre"
As compiled by the members of the Paradise Women's Institute

6. "The History of Weymouth, Massachusetts"
Published by the Weymouth Historical Society in 1923"

I must also say that in the beginning before I got my first computer to use, I and my husband Frank, did a lot of leg work and a lot of knocking on doors. Seeing as my information is an on going genealogy, I also had to get in touch with family members and ask them to write down all their family information. Some also got their whole families information, for others, I had more leg work. I was very lucky that Frank knew a lot of these people and where they lived. When I received their information and typed it up, I returned to these people to have them check over and make sure that all the information was correct. Then when I was able to go on the internet and have email, that did make things a lot easier, but not everyone has computers. So, it was relying on the people that I did make contact with to get me the information. The following links were also used to verify quite a bit of the information, and to find new information that I didn't have. But, as I was told by many friends in genealogy clubs, that it is best to find as many sources as I could to verify the information that I did have. Here are some of the web sites that I found very useful.

7. Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet

8. Family Search by the Church of Later Day Saints


Pd. Crowe, who has the 10. web site, has also been a great help to me. I was lucky enough to make contact with her when I first started. My web site was a little different from hers and she gave me some good pointers. We were never in competition with each other, but have worked together and we have become friends. She is also very careful on verifying her information and has been a great mentor.

11. My Cinnamon Toast Surname Search

Copyright © 1998-2004 Rita Whitman