For over 70 years parents have made Cub Scouting an enriching experience for their boys. We need your help to continue to provide the best Cub Scout program for your son. Your involvement assures that our Pack will be a Quality Pack. By volunteering for 100 points you will aid in ensuring that your son receives a “Quality Unit” patch for his uniform and participates in a great Scouting program.

Thank you for your support.




100             DEN LEADER OR ASSISTANT – attend basic training, monthly committee meeting, monthly Pack meeting and weekly den meetings. Complete adult registration form.


100             TITLED COMMITTEE PERSON - attend basic training, monthly committee meeting, monthly Pack meeting and perform titled job (i.e. treasurer, secretary, etc.)

                  Complete adult registration form.


80               COMMITTEE MEMBER AT LARGE – attend basic training, attend at least four (4) monthly committee meetings, monthly Pack meetings and serve on at least one Pack subcommittee. Complete adult registration form.



SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS – attend specific committee meeting(s) for specific event(s). Assist in organization and task work for event. No adult registration form required.  Choose specific events from list below (Brief descriptions are on the back of this form. More detailed job descriptions are available upon request).


60               BLUE & GOLD BANQUET

40               PINEWOOD DERBY

40               POPCORN SALES

30               HOLIDAY PARTY

30               GRANBY COMMUNITY FUND

20               HALLOWEEN PARTY

20               SERVICE PROJECTS

20               WOLFPACK GAME

20               SPRING CAMPOUT

20               CROSSOVER


20               SUMMER ACTIVITIES





PARENT SIGNATURE                                                                  DATE                                              


PHONE                                     EMAIL                                                                                               


TOTAL POINTS                     BOY’S NAME                                                                                        


If a situation arises and you can not fulfill your obligation, please contact your Cubmaster.



Most of our key events have “Recipes for Success” written for them, which can either be followed to the letter or simply used as a starting point. No one is expected to create these events from scratch.




BLUE & GOLD BANQUET COMMITTEE – This is our major celebration and recognition of the 2nd yr Webelos as they earn their Arrow of Light and advance from Cub Scouting into Boy Scouting. Typically, at least one volunteer from each den is needed, but the more involvement there is, the easier things are. This committee usually meets December through March, to coordinate and plan the format, decorations, meal, awards etc. The 2nd yr Webelos Dens will usually pick the theme, and will take care of planning the advancement ceremony.


PINEWOOD DERBY COMMITTEE – This is the scout’s favorite event! A smoothly run derby depends on a well executed plan, and Pack 325 has this down to a formula. This committee will typically meet starting in January through the derby in February, as needed.


POPCORN SALES COMMITTEE – This is our Packs sole fundraiser and how we pay for our program. Coordinate getting the necessary related materials out to the dens, schedule show’n’sell events, order and distribute product. Meets September through November.


HOLIDAY PARTY – This party is in place of a December pack meeting. This committee arranges for snacks, craft, decorations, Santa, and some service activity. Meets in December.


GRANBY COMMUNITY FUND – Help serve as area coordinator- September & October.


HALLOWEEN PARTY – This is one of our combined Pack events, & is in place of our October pack meeting. Arrange facility, snacks, decorations, etc, working w/ Pack 127 – Meets in October.


SERVICE PROJECTS COMMITTEE – Help organize and coordinate: Pack Leaf Rake w/ Pack 127, 2 Pack-sponsored coffee hours at First Church, spring Scouting for Food collection, Pack Conservation project, etc. – roughly 2-3 hours per project.


WOLFPACK GAME – Help arrange tickets and distribution for Pack to attend a WolfPack Game – December and January timeframe, depending on game schedule.


SPRING CAMPOUT –Organize Pack Campout. Schedule location, plan and coordinate games/activities, campfire program (Boy Scouts) and breakfast– May.


CROSSOVER – Coordinate with den leaders for crossover ceremony details, planned to be done during campout. Schedule a back-up indoor location in case of rain - May.


SUMMER CAMP COORDINATOR – Attend district camp meeting, distribute information to Pack, promote camp dates, help with sign-ups, etc - Spring


SUMMER ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE – In order to achieve Quality Unit status, our pack needs to provide a year-round program, with at least one pack activity each month. This committee is to organize, promote and execute at least one activity for the months of June, July and August. This can be a hike, service project, baseball game, etc.