granby.bmp (3200 bytes)Pack 325 Official Policy crccouncil strip.bmp (32902 bytes)

This policy is a written explanation of the running of Pack  325. It is not a legally binding document, but rather a guide to refer to when questions arise. It is intended to be a starting point when the other materials have no answers, or are ambiguous. This policy manual can be updated, adapted, or changed at any time. The policy stated herein is the opinion of Pack 325's  committee and not an official statement of policy by the BSA.
The use of the word "adult" refers to members of Pack 325 over the age of 18. (It does not necessarily reflect state of mind.)
The use of the word "parent(s)" refers to the adult legal guardian(s) of the Boy members of the Pack. This term is in no way intended to exclude anyone; it is merely a handy way to refer to the adults in our Cub’s lives.
The use of the word Cub, Scout, or boy refers to the boy members of the Pack.

  1. Purpose
    1. Mission
      1. Mission Statement Of The Pack
        It is the Mission of Pack 325 to provide the Cub Scout-age boys of this area with the opportunity to experience Scouting. The boys will strive to live their lives in accordance with the guidelines of their Religious and Family values, as well as the values of The Boy Scouts of America. The Adult leaders will strive to provide a safe, educational, loving, and fun atmosphere in which the Cubs Scouts can thrive, learn, and feel secure, and have fun.
      2. Mission Statement Of The Boy Scouts Of America
        The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
    2. Aims of Cub Scouting
      Cub Scouting can be described as many things. The three main goals of the program are to enrich the lives of the boys and their families by; instilling a moral code in the Cub, learning about how to be a productive contributing citizen, and leaning how to achieve and maintain physical health.
    3. Charter
      1. Pack 325 is in the Matianuck District of the Connecticut Rivers Council
      2. Pack 325 is chartered to the First Congregational Church Granby. The Pack was originally charted to the Granby Jaycees in 1973. In 1982 the First Congregational Church became our chartered partner. For a list of past Cubmasters click here
    4. Organization
      1. Pack Committee
        The Pack is a body of like-minded individuals brought together for a common goal: the benefit of the boys. Every action conducted by the Pack leadership or the families involved should be guided based on the boys' welfare. We should always assume a positive intent in the actions of the leaders.
        1. The governing body of Pack 325 is the Pack Leaders committee. Each family registered with the Pack has an equal say in the administration of the Pack.
        2. The Cubmaster, the Assistant Cubmaster, the Den Leaders and Assistant Den Leaders are members of the Pack Committee.
        3. Any registered adult with the Pack can hold any office of the pack.
        4. In order for the pack to function, Each Den needs a registered leader, and the Pack must have a Cubmaster, Committee Chairperson, a Treasurer, and a third Committee member.
        5. All Registered adult leaders are members of the Committee.
        6. If an adult holds more than one job title at a time, their Primary Responsibility is the job title that places them closest to the boys.
        7. If the job held by a leader is no longer fun, it is time to make a change. Pack leaders should always be recruiting and training their replacement. The goal is to graduate into Boy Scouting with your son.
      2. The Charter Organization
        Pack 325 BSA is chartered to the First Congregational Church Granby.
  2. Membership
    1. Eligibility
      Pack 325 is open to all boys and their families who are willing to accept the values of the Cub Scouts of America, and who agree to live their lives by the Cub Scout Promise and the Law of the Pack.
    2. Religious Faith
      The BSA is an organization based on a belief in religious values. Each family joining Pack 325 should be aware that while there is no single official religious affiliation, each family is encouraged to practice their individual religious beliefs.
    3. Age
      Boys wishing to join must meet the age and grade requirements of the BSA, primarily seven years old, and in the first grade, but no older than ll.
    4. Registration
      1. Membership will become effective upon receipt by the Pack committee chairperson or the Cubmaster of a completed application accompanied by appropriate fees. Annual Registration fee is $35  and includes the National registration fee and a subscription to Boy's Life. Families with more than one member pay $20 for the second Cub.
      2. The National Membership Fee provides  supplemental accident insurance for the boy, and funds for the national organization to develop materials, training, and programs for the boys. The fee also entitles the boy to earn advancement.
    5. Adult Participation
      Pack 325 recognizes that the Cub Scouting does not work without parental participation. While no boy will be refused membership for lack of parental participation, that boy will not experience the full effectiveness of the program. Pack 325 recognizes that today's lifestyles sometimes don't allow for much time, but the time you put into your son's life is worth the time you donate to the Pack. Parents will also respect the time donated by the other Pack Leaders and not take advantage of their generosity. Den meetings are not day-care facilities. Parents are expected to promptly pick up their sons when the meeting is over. The Leader will have a set schedule as to when the meeting begins and ends. There must be two adults at any meeting of Cub Scouts; one adult must be registered with the BSA.
  3. Uniform

    The Boy Scouts of America is an uniformed organization. Like any sports activity, we ask that the members (Adults and Cubs) of Pack 325 wear their uniform correctly and proudly at all Den and Pack functions. A uniform is not required to join Pack 325, but it helps the boy identify with the group. The uniform is designed for rugged activity, as well as a way to display awards earned.

    1. Where to Buy
      1. New Uniforms can be purchased from the Connecticut Rivers Council Scout Shop At 60 Darlin Street East Hartford.
    2. General Guide
      1. The uniform for Pack 325 is the official uniform distributed by the BSA.
      2. Members wear the appropriate uniform shirt with patches and awards, neckerchief, clean pants, and shoes.
    3. Detail Description Of Pack 325 Uniform
      1. The appropriate uniform shirt with a T-shirt underneath.
        1. Cub Scouts wear the blue shirt, either short- or long-sleeved. 
        2. Webelos Scouts wear the khaki Boy Scout shirt.
        3. Adult Leaders should wear the khaki or sage Boy Scout shirt.
      2. Patches and Awards
        1. Insignia is attached to the uniform following the guidelines of the BSA.
        2. Instructions on patch placement can be obtained from the handbook, the Scout Shop, or by asking the Pack Leaders.
        3. The Pack provides Neckerchief and quality unit patches as appropriate.
        4. The member is to obtain the council shoulder strip, Patch Numeral, Den Numeral, Universal Scouting Emblem, and "Webelos Colors."
        5. Awards of rank and advancement are presented to the members as they are earned.
      3. The appropriate neckerchief
        1. Worn under the collar with a  neckerchief slide.
        2. Tiger Cubs wear the Orange tiger neckerchief.
        3. Wolves wear the gold neckerchief. The pack supplies to each new Bobcat Cub his first gold neckerchief.
        4. Bears wear the  blue neckerchief.
        5. Webelos Scouts wear the Tartan Plaid neckerchief. When the boy joins a Webelos Den, the pack supplies a Webelos neckerchief for the boy.
        6. Adult leaders wear the appropriate Cub Scout Leader Neckerchief or necktie.
      4. Blue-colored pants which are clean and in good repair. Webelos Scouts and Adult Leaders should wear sage colored uniform pants or slacks if possible.

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Last Updated: 12/07/2004