Takahashi© Flourite Apochromatic Refractor
°ª¾ô¿Ã¥Û´_®ø¦â®t§é®g±æ»·Ãè FS-60C | FS-78 | FS-102 

Takahashi© China 

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Telescope ±æ»·Ãè
FS-60C | FS-78 | FS-102 | FS-128 | FS-152 | FSQ-106 | Sky-90  
  TSA-130 | FCT-150 | FCT-200 | FCT-250
£g-180 | £g-210 | £g-250 | £g-300
CN-212 | BRC-250 | FRC-300 | C-400
MT-130 | MT-160 | MT-200 | MT-250 | MT-300
£`-160 | £`-210 | £`-250 | £`-300 | £`-350

Equatorial Mount ¨ª¹D»ö
TG-SP 2 | Space Boy | P2-Z | EM-2S | EM-10USD3 | EM-200USD3 | NJP | EM-500
EM-10 Temma 2Jr | EM-200 Temma 2Jr | EM-200 Temma2 | NJP Temma2 | EM-500 Temma2
EM-2500 Temma-PC | EM-3500 Temma-PC 

Accessory ªþ¥ó | Price List »ù¥Øªí

  Brief history of telescopes ±æ»·Ãè²¥v

Specification of telescopes at a glance ±æ»·Ãè³W®æ¤@Äý

FS-60C : Small cutest baby
You're most welcome to take it home!


         Takahashi has just introduced the latest addition to its FS Series fluorite apochromatic refractors. As with all other FS refractors the FS-60C has its hard multi-coated fluorite objective up front with a low dispersion hard multicoated rear element.

     This compact short focus [f/5.9 - 355mm] apo refractor is the perfect eclipse telescope and with its triplet reducer [f/4.4 - 264mm] is a great little astro camera or spotting scope.

     The FS-60C is supplied with the revolutionary "palm sized" equatorial mount "The Teegul Sky Patrol." This small, very portable sidreal rate mount will fit in a camera bag and can be attached to a camera tripod.

      This smallest most portable mount can be taken around the world for solar eclipse or expeditions to remote areas.         


 Specification of FS-60C
SPECIFICATIONS for the FS-60C (Tube assembly only)
Optical System 60mm Fluorite doublet
Coating Fully Multi-Coated
Aperture 60mm
Focal Length 355mm/264mm w/reducer
Focal Ratio F/5.9 - F/4.4 w/reducer
Light Grasp 73x
Resolution 1.95"
Limiting Magnitude 10.7
Image Circle Ø44mm w/reducer
Photo Field 5.0¢X/7.0¢X
Reducer Triplet [f/4.4]
Tube Diameter Ø80mm
Tube Length 400mm [15.8in]
Weight 1.3kg (2.9lbs)
Finder Scope 5x25 9¢X

The smallest of flourite APO refractor on earth, good for observing sun, moon, planet, deep sky objects and use for guiding purpose. A  5 degree FOV will give spectacular result when in terrestrial viewing.

FS-60C System Chart
1. Tube assembly
2. Dew shield
3. Focusing knob
4. Draw tube
5. Draw tube clamp
6. Camera angle adjuster
14. Coupling (S)
16. Aux. ring
18. Reducer
32. T-mount
33-B. Wide T-mount
34. 35mm SLR camera
36. TCA-4 camera adapter
46. Adapter 1.25" oculars
47. Oculars (1.25")
49. Diagonal prism
60. Doubler attachment C2X

CCD Images taken with FS-60C
(courtesy of Michael Chapa, UK)

NGC6992 (part of Veil Nebula)


FS-78 : Ultra-portable

 Image taken with the FS-78

Takahashi was the first manufacturer to make apochromatic telescopes using a fluorite element in the objective. Since the first 90mm fluorite apochromat was introduced in 1977, Takahashi has developed an extensive line of apochromats using doublet and triplet objectives. The objective lenses of these refractors use manmade fluorite crystal which is made from natural calcium fluorite (CaF2). Now as a result of a production breakthrough which permits the fluorite crystal to be completely hard multi-coated, Takahashi has been able to finally re-design its fluorite FC series to produce the FS series. The new design includes not only a multicoated fluorite crown (front element), but also uses a low dispersion flint (rear element) to produce a "world class" apochromat. Each optical tube assembly is fully baffled with knife-edge baffles to produce the highest possible contrast. The diffraction-limited optics can be used at magnifications over 100x per inch of aperture on nights of excellent seeing. Actually, the figure can be closer to 120x!!! The fully kulti-coated optics and two ideally-combined elements will produce brighter images than designs, which use three or more elements.

The FS-78 outperforms larger conventional refractors. The diffraction-limited apochromatic optics produce crisp, high contrast images free of secondary color over the entire field of view. Seven internal baffles enhance the contrast and produce a very dark background. It is highly portable and can be taken to remote sites or on solar eclipse expeditions.


The Standard mount for the FS-78 is the EM-2, a highly accurate and portable mount. A standard illuminated reticule, calculator reticule, and polar axis level make it a simple matter to polar align within 2 arc minutes of the celestial pole on level or tilted terrain very quickly. The optional EM-10 mount adds dual axis motor control as well as 50x sidereal set motion.

FS-78 System chart
1. Main tube
2. Focuser unit¡@
3. Focuser
4. Clamp, focuser
5. Knob, focuser
6. Camera angle adjuster
10. Coupling
11. Extension tube (S)
13. 50.8mm sleeve
14. Coupling (S)
18. Reducer
24. Diagonal prism (L)
29. Quintuple turret w/DP(L)
30. CA35
31. TSC Prime focus ring
32. T-mount
34. 35mm SLR camera
36. TCA-4 camera adapter
ø 52mm filter
41. Aux ring
42. Adapter for M645 camera
43. Mamiya M645 camera
45. Coupling DP(L)
46. Adapter, 31.7mm ocular
47. Oculars (31.7mm)
48. Oculars (50.8mm)
49. Diagonal prism (M)
70. Adapter, 50.8mm ocular
71. Extension tube (50.8mm)
75. CCD camera
80. 50.8mm sleeve (easy guider)
81. Easy-Guider (Lumicon)

Optical System Fluorite Apochromat Doublet
Coating Front Full-Multi-Coated
Aperture 78mm
Focal Length 630mm/474mm w/ reducer
Focal Ratio F/8 - F/6 w/ reducer
Light Grasp 124x
Resolution 1.50"
Limiting Magnitude 11.2
Image Circle Ø42mm w/reducer
Photo Field 5.1¢X w/reducer
Tube Diameter 95mm
Tube Length 736mm
Weight 2.6kg (5.7lbs)
Finder Scope 6x30 8¢X

Specifications of FS-78

FS-102 : Most popular refractor


The FS-102 is a state-of-the-art fluorite apochromatic refractor. It is capable of delivering ultra sharp high contrast images over the entire field of view. The images are totally free of chromatic aberrations. Stars appear as tack-sharp points of light on a jet-black background. The instrument is perfect for photo/visual studies of the Moon, the planets and is also a phenomenal wide field astrograph. Using the dedicated focal reducer, the FS-102 becomes a wide field astro camera with an amazing 5-degree field of view! Perfect for use with a 35mm camera or a medium format custom vacuum back 6x7 roll film holder (a Takahashi© exclusive). The FS-102's standard 2.7" focuser makes this possible.

The Standard mount for the FS-102 is the EM-10, but an optional EM-200 mount may be used for added stability and accuracy. Both mounts are all electric with built-in polar alignment telescopes and leveling bubbles to permit 2-arc minute alignment on level or uneven ground in a few minutes. An autoguider connection is standard.

Specification of FS-102

Optical System Fluorite Apochromat Doublet
Coating Front Full-Multi-Coated
Aperture 102mm
Focal Length 820mm
Focal Ratio F/8.0
Light Grasp 212x
Resolution 1.15"
Limiting Magnitude 11.8
Image Circle Ø50mm w/reducer
Photo Field 4.8¢X w/reducer
Tube Diameter Ø114mm
Tube Length 930mm
Weight 5.3kg (11.7lbs)
Finder Scope 7x50 6.3¢X

      FS-102 standing at Xinlung Observatory

The Orion Nebula   

The Pleaides

IC 2177

Lagoon Nebula
Trifid Nebula
