They say memories are golden, well maybe that's true.
But we never wanted memories, We only wanted you.
A million times we've needed you.
A million times we've cried.
If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died.
In life we loved you dearly, in death we love you still.
In our hearts you hold a special place that no one could ever fill.
If tears could build a staircase & heartaches build a lane.
We'd walk the path to Heaven & bring you back again.
Our Family chain is broken & nothing seems the same
But as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again.
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Your guardian angel knows you inside and out
and loves you just the way you are..
Connie - thank you so much for creating
this plaque for the Memorial Tree.
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I Believe in Angels,
and I know One is
Watching Over You
I know there's an angel
always by your side.
Whether male or female,
it's there to be your guide.
It rejoices with each sunrise,
the beginning of each day,
knowing that you're safe, indeed,
for in God's hands you stay.
And when the evening comes
and the darkness makes its cover,
your angel settles
in the coming night
and above your head it hovers.
Yes, I believe in
you have your very own,
because you are God's special child
and you'll never be alone.
--Barbara Cage
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Whenever you hear music, an angel is speaking to you...
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She Folds Her Wings
She hath no scorn of common things;
And, though she seem of other birth,
Round us her heart entwines and clings,
And patiently folds her wings
To tread the humble paths of earth.
[James Russell Lowell]
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Angels are the guardians of hope and wonder,
the keepers of magic and dreams---
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of Angels"
you Need me?
I am there.
You cannot see me.
Yet, I am the light you see by.
You cannot hear me.
Yet, I speak through your voice.
Yet, I am the power at work in your hands.
Though you fail to find me.
I do not fail you.
Though your Faith in me is unsure,
My Faith in you never waivers,
Because I know you,
Because I love you,
Be loving.
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After all, we are angels in
training; all we have
to do is spread our wings and fly...
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The golden moments in the stream
of life rush past us, and we see
nothing but sand; the angels come
to visit us, and we only know
them when they are gone.
[George Eliot]
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The motto of all angels is "it's a wonderful life"..
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In the hours of morn and even,
In the noon and night,
Trooping down they come from heaven
In their noiseless flight
To guide, to guard, to warn, to cheer us
'Mid our joys and cares,
All unseen are hovering near us
Angels unawares.
[J. F. Waller]
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Whenever you hear a bell ring,
another angel has earned her wings....
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Don't Grieve For Me
Don't grieve for me,
for now I'm free.
I'm following the path
God laid for me.
I took his hand when
I heard his call,
I turned my back and
left it all.
I could not stay
another day,
To laugh, to love, to
work or play.
Tasks left undone must
stay that way.
I found my peace at
the dawn of day.
If my departing has left
a void,
Then fill it with
remembered joy -
A friendship shared,
a laugh, a kiss,
Ah, yes, these things I
too will miss.
Be not burdened with
times of sorrow,
I wish you the sunshine
of tomorrow.
My life was full,
I savored much -
Good friends, good times,
a loved one's touch.
Perhaps my time seemed
all too brief.
Don't lengthen it with
undue grief.
Lift up your hearts and
share with me,
God wants me now,
He set me free.
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My Soul's Flight
Author: Larry Joe Goad
My soul has taken its flight
Soaring above the clouds
Somewhere over the rainbow
In a land of peacefulness
Where there are no more tears
No pain
No parting
A place where I walk with God
Where I shall never grow old
Mourn not for me for my suffering
is finished
And I have been made whole
Be not saddened by my leaving
For God brushed away my tears
I have reached a land of endless day
Where the Son of God is the light
And night never falleth
I stroll the heavens praising my Creator
From the dust of the earth we all
were created
And to dust we shall return
But our souls sleep not for we have
passed from this life
Unto everlasting life
Eternity never ends but new joys
brighten my path
Yet I have rejoined those that have
gone before me
The circle never to be broken
The journey I have taken
everyone must face
Unless our Lord returns for us
catching us up to meet Him in the air
I do not sleepeth but liveth
Take heed for now I'm forever in His presence
At peace and forever free
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August 15, 2007
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